Very Creepy

This topic was created in the Dreams forum by Jwalker on Wednesday, March 14, 2007 and has 9 replies.
I always boast of loving to dream. My dreams are usually very colorful and weird, but peaceful. The other night though, out of the blue came one that disturbed me. I had no outside stimuli for this dream, you know, like watching t.v. or reading bad news, or discussions.
A female with very short jet black hair, white skin and very red lips was in a dimly lit room, like a motel room. The room was small and one single bed in the middle had someone on it all rolled up in a blanket. A grey wool blanket. So I couldn't see the person. The white faced female was wearing an outfit like a Tuxedo made for women. The woman stood to the side of the bed.
Another woman surfaced in the room. She was a light skinned African american woman with a broad face and a bit overweight. Her black hair was pulled back in a ponytail. She stood about 5 feet away from the white faced women near a white porcelain sink.
The white faced women jumped on top of the person under the blanket and started smashing them to death with a hammer. The person under the blanket screamed and squirmed, but was too wrapped up to move. After blugeoning that person to death, she turned on the other woman and beat her to death with the hammer too. Then the woman went to the middle of the room with blood all over her tux and on her face and dripping from the hammer. She looked out at me in my dream and her eyes were pure black. No light in them. There was no expression on the face except maybe an expression of indifference to everything.VERY VERY COLD! She reached up and wiped the blood on her shirt, smearing it and shrugged. Then I woke up.
This dream was days ago and I have been trying to forget it, and since I NEVER have bad dreams, it makes me uncomfortable. I keep seeing the cold black staring, uncaring eyes. Scary. Had to write it down , maybe I can shake it off of me.
Dancing Bread, it seems I could perceive the person wrapped in the blanket as a woman, but I remember the struggle to get out of that hellish cacoon more than the screams.
Yeah! Stay away from hammers AND anybody wearing Tuxedo's!
I know they are not realated, but, it just occurred to me that the coldness of this killer can be related to the coldness of the Virginia Tech murderer. Knowing his victims had no-where to go, they were confined. Also that he "just had to do it" ewww.
Um....I hope that guy wasn't wearing a tuxedo!
OMG!!!! I was just looking at PICS from NBC you guys...look at PIC of him holding a hammer like a weapon! (the Virginia tech killer) Gawd that gave me goosebumps!
"After a few seconds, Cho came into the room. Goddard, his view of the classroom door partly obstructed by a desk, got his first glimpse of the killer. "He had on boots, dark pants and a white shirt." Taken from a story on testimony given by a survivor.

Oh I guess that was a Newsweek story.
From my point of view it is impossible for that "thing" to be me. But, I really don't know. Like I said, I can't connect it with anything in my life, or anything I saw on t.v. (unless you count "HAPPYFEET" for the tuxedo). I'm just sooo oposing to that, and my dreams are generally pleasant.
I agree the hammer was totaly brutal! It was a horrible dream. I can still see it all, like it was seared on my mind. But me? No.
The hammer in this guys hand...the way he's holding it in the photo and all (did you look?) just struck me as freaky. All women? I can't say for sure. That is the way they appeared. No one said a word. It was my impression.
Ya! Bad enough without 'em!