Fire sign women

This topic was created in the Elements forum by 777 on Saturday, November 3, 2018 and has 8 replies.
They can come off kinda rude & egotistical. Once you give them their "just dues", in other words coming up with an original compliment, they turn into shy school girls & open right up.
Me love you long time
Posted by Antiochus

They are pretty soft and sensitive.

Please handle with care and don't hurt them.
Don't listen to this one. We're evil all the way down to our jet black hearts lol

Seriously though I disagree with the last bit. I have never nor will I ever be a shy schoolgirl.
Posted by Antiochus

Posted by FireStarter

Posted by Antiochus

They are pretty soft and sensitive.

Please handle with care and don't hurt them.
Don't listen to this one. We're evil all the way down to our jet black hearts lol

Seriously though I disagree with the last bit. I have never nor will I ever be a shy schoolgirl.
Nice try.
click to expand
Oi I have a rep to maintain! lol

Ok...fine maybe we're just half evil😝
" they turn into shy school girls"

I'm this way.

but honestly what is the appropriate reaction to compliments?
Posted by 777

They can come off kinda rude & egotistical. Once you give them their "just dues", in other words coming up with an original compliment, they turn into shy school girls & open right up.
Or treat them like any other person. Lol
There are differences between the 3 fire sign women -

Aries women are often misunderstood by the people around them as people who can be manipulated and taken advantage of. The only way the Aries know how to counter this is to shout and raise so much hell that those who have any manipulative thoughts would just disappear. At least this happens with me all the time. perhaps being too friendly and transparent is perceived as weakness by the world, without realising that Aries are quite strong from within and can take up a fight like no one else.

Leo women have a lot of elegance and when placed in a troublesome situation, they can charm their opponents with playacting and get their way. Leo women also stay with their friends, partner and other companions till their self-respect is really hurt. Aries and Sag women don't have this kind of patience, nor the inclination to spend their time on a person who doesn't measure up in their opinion. I think out of the three fire signs, Leo women are also the most diplomatic.

I have not interacted with many Sag women, but the few I have seen, had the greatest insight among the 3 Fire signs to the personality and psychological traits of the people they were dealing with. They could successfully use this insight to advance themselves in life and beat their competition. This is something Aries lack. Leo are great observers, but they get blinded by their ego. Aries and Leo women live in a romantic dreamworld of their own, while Sag women are very pragmatic and they have their feet planted on the ground. They understand the good and bad sides of the world.