i have been thinking about that for a while.
is it always about confidence when it comes to relationships and so one?
looks dont matter in the end because it can fade away. but confidence will stay.
i have always been more delicate and subtle than my
This taurus guy i know (lets call him dave), i secretly have a bit of a crush on him. we met through mutual friends and hit it off immediately, have the same music taste, same sense of humor. we constantly tease each other (mostly roasts lol) and make sex
okay, so I was wondering why I'm always attracting signs us Sagittarians are not compatible with. All I get hitting on me are Taurus, Cancers, Scorpios, and Virgos. HELP!!!
I was in an on and off relationship with a Leo man for 2 years. I was the one suggesting a break each time because I didn't have time for his mind games.
After each breakup he would apologize and ask for another chance, I'd give in. We never fought at
I usually attract Leos, Geminis, and Tauruses... This is my first time dealing with a Cancer. ?
I'm currently dating/seeing a divorced Cancer man. He has 2 young children and has co-parenting arrangments with his ex wife. I have never been married and
Just read a few threads and something very similar in each thread from different signs.
Men don't meet women for the reason that sex was too intense and they scared.
They dissapear because they afraid when falling for a women.
They reappear and shortly
I'm not talking about just in the 10th house.
I want to know specifically if you have a planet within 8 degrees of your MC.
If so, how has it colored your goals/career/reputation?
Do you feel it more than anything else in your chart?
Ok here is my story.
I apologize in advance for run on sentences, punctuation, and misspellings and the length of my story.
I am a Taurus was dating a Leo man for 5 months. I am 46 he is 45 going to be 46 in August. We run into a few problems but mos
What's the dumbest/pettiest fight you've had with a significant other or friend?