Why is my thread deleted on Good News & Bad News without further explanation?
My brains get fried everytime I talk to you. After I asked if that was a good thing he said that it was both, actually
So I got intoxicated the other night and called my cap friend..several times(which besides that I hardly ever call) well
It has been 8 months of LDR but finally it is over. Tomorrow I get to reunite with my libra!!! *does happy dance* Jus
Met scorp a year ago and developed feelings quickly. I showed little interest and after about 8 months he became interes
I found this and thought I should share link http://astrological-sun-signs.suite101.com/article.cfm/marriage_and_divorc
I just found this and thought I would share link http://astrological-sun-signs.suite101.com/article.cfm/marriage_and_di
This is for my girl Xtina! She's celebrating the way a true Aries chica would. Partying! So Happy Birthday girl and I h
Do you believe in psychics? Have you ever had an experience with one? Was it good or bad?
hi. im a scorprio female currently seeing a libra male. he's a real sweetheart and he means well, but he's lazy. he lets