Know any exotic strong umami/herb for vegetable soup?

This topic was created in the Food & Drink forum by Parkourler on Sunday, January 1, 2023 and has 7 replies.

So I will eat rice with carrots in a soup for the rest of the month, because I am a taurus. I like eating one dinner per month with a few variations. It tastes bland though, so i am looking for something that gives it a strong exotic taste. Something that you buy in an ethnic food market not the classic suppermarket. Like a paste you can dissolve / condiment / etc. I heard misopaste and harrissa have a strong flavour. The german cuisine bores me to tears. Anybody got an idea?
Posted by LaLueur
Do you like hot stuff? Try pili pili you can mix it yourself. It's a good natural antibiotic too.
Or basbas (Somali chutney)
Or Lebanon kitchen,get used to a lot of parsley,cilantro & mint
I am not into spicy stuff, can you name some more? I ll look up basbas, I would probably like lebanon kitchen,

i love their breads.

I never went to an african shop. I like discovering new flavours. I was planning on using miso paste and harissa. But a third variation would be great as well. I never considered african cuisine. Or south american

(do they have something other than alsa) or caribbean cuisine. Ohhh I love food so much!!!

Danke für deine Mühe, ist echt nett von dir.
In my opinion, the best umami comes from other vegetables themselves. I'd probably add a variety of mushrooms to your soup. Or nutritional yeast is very convenient as well.

But if you want pure spice, there's a whole bunch: turmeric, curry powder, paprika, gochujang (spicy fermented chili paste), seaweed for a slightly fishy taste.. even marmite or beef bouillon could flavor a soup.
I love miso! The darker the better.

Try Nori in your soup.