I don't know about anyone else ....but I just freakin love peanut butter. I swear I am in love when I am eating peanut butter. I vote to make peanut butter its own food group. Does anyone else concurr? I love it on apples, bread, celery, by the spoonful, on toast ......I could just go on and on. I am in love with peanut butter. PD
Signed Up: Feb 05, 2009 Comments: 0 · Posts: 387 · Topics: 7
PD, i usually just stick the spoon in the jar..move it around to gather enough of it and it is on baby!!
I love it on apples, bread, celery, by the spoonful, on toast ......I could just go on and on. Amen sista..amen. I thought i was weird by putting it on celery glad to know there are more people like me.. its really tasty on apples too
Oooooo yes ....on chocolate too .....there is something so sensual about this combination. Chocolate ...life is moving along. I hope you are doing well you lioness vixen. PD
Signed Up: Feb 05, 2009 Comments: 0 · Posts: 2019 · Topics: 27
Oh man! You guys are making me hungry! I'm on a diet. Salad (lettuce, low fat ranch and feta cheese) Special K and cottage cheese. Must lose 10 pounds for the 4th of July! Bikini time.
Signed Up: Feb 05, 2009 Comments: 0 · Posts: 2019 · Topics: 27
"Didnt you say you were 110 lbs at 5'7?? lol I highly doubt you need to lose weight. Jeez." LOL Yeah but seriously my frame does NOT carry weight very gracefully. I gain an once and I look terrible. I've been busy with moving to a new house and have neglected the gym. I'm looking..... doughy. lol So yeah ok ok.... I need to tone up. But still sweets kick my ass every time.
Signed Up: Feb 05, 2009 Comments: 0 · Posts: 2019 · Topics: 27
LOL ^^^ I wish! I'm kinda OCD. I've been through the whole eating disorder thing. To sound cliche it's a one day at a time thing. I don't think it will ever go away in my mind. I have moments. At one time I was well under 100. I'm sorta a vain person so that doesn't help.