Picky Eater...HELP!!

This topic was created in the Food & Drink forum by DeeLovesRed on Thursday, March 9, 2017 and has 13 replies.
Ok so I need some help, I'm with my little sister and I'm getting ready to make dinner... BUT she's a picky eater, what should I make for dinner tonight?

List of things she doesn't/can't eat:



-Peas (especially in rice)

-Cheese (it has to be a very small amount for her to eat it)


-Dairy products

There's more but can't remember.. I'm inexperience with picky/selective eaters... ????‍♀️??‍♀️
Posted by Nepturanus
anything chicken.

myself a picky eater.
What kind of chicken meal??

Throw some ideas out there, I was going to fry fish until she came.. so my brain is.. shot
Basically anything chicken or beef, that's tomato based will be easy for you. Think some Italian, Mexican, Asian, or Indian cuisine.

Beef Based:

-Steak and potatoes

-Spaghetti and (beef) meatballs

-Beef Stir Fry

-Beef Burritos

-Beef Tacos

Chicken Based:

-Chicken and potatoes

-Chicken and rice

-Chicken pasta (marinara sauce)

-Chicken chow mein

-Yellow chicken curry (with potatoes and/or rice)

-Chicken Stir Fry

-Chicken Burritos

-Chicken Tacos

-Chicken wings w/ carrots and celery

Veggie Based:


-Mushroom and tomato spaghetti

-Mushrooms, potatoes, broccoli

-Veggie burrito

-Veggie tacos

Good luck!
Posted by GetMisted
Posted by DeeLovesRed
Ok so I need some help, I'm with my little sister and I'm getting ready to make dinner... BUT she's a picky eater, what should I make for dinner tonight?

List of things she doesn't/can't eat:



-Peas (especially in rice)

-Cheese (it has to be a very small amount for her to eat it)


-Dairy products

There's more but can't remember.. I'm inexperience with picky/selective eaters... ????‍♀️??‍♀️
Road trip to McDonalds
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???.. NOOO ??????

French fries! Until parents come home...

She migh get rounder but...

Can't stand picky eaters...

Give her no food and she will dance for cucumber in a few days!
Posted by GetMisted
Posted by DeeLovesRed
Ok so I need some help, I'm with my little sister and I'm getting ready to make dinner... BUT she's a picky eater, what should I make for dinner tonight?

List of things she doesn't/can't eat:



-Peas (especially in rice)

-Cheese (it has to be a very small amount for her to eat it)


-Dairy products

There's more but can't remember.. I'm inexperience with picky/selective eaters... ????‍♀️??‍♀️
Road trip to McDonalds
click to expand


There's a time and a place...

Why dont you ask her what the heck she likes.

Your feelings will be hurt, when she turns her

nose up at the lovely Quinoa.

Posted by Dreamyboy
Chicken Alfredo or spaghetti and meatballs ?
Alfredo is out though because she doesn't/can't eat dairy or cheese products.
Posted by Dreamyboy
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by Dreamyboy
Chicken Alfredo or spaghetti and meatballs ?
Alfredo is out though because she doesn't/can't easy dairy or cheese products.
Aww your right... it's made with cream...
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Alfredo is really good though...poor girl....she'll never know.

Is it normal to be annoyed by picky eaters? Particularly adults. Kids have a certain level they can get away with and hopefully grow out of.... but that would make me nuts.

I am so the opposite, I want to try all kinds of new food and picky eaters just cramp my style . I am even up for trying prairie oysters some day, provided I have liquid courage before and during. I want to try century egg soon too.

That list you provide makes me sad. I guess she isn't a fan of pizza? Damn. DAMN.
Posted by GuardianAnu
Is it normal to be annoyed by picky eaters? Particularly adults. Kids have a certain level they can get away with and hopefully grow out of.... but that would make me nuts.

I am so the opposite, I want to try all kinds of new food and picky eaters just cramp my style . I am even up for trying prairie oysters some day, provided I have liquid courage before and during. I want to try century egg soon too.

That list you provide makes me sad. I guess she isn't a fan of pizza? Damn. DAMN.
It's only annoying if it affects the food that I can eat. I know some picky eaters who had their horizons expanded over the years because of a girl or two. It's funny how fast a guy will shape up when they like a girl.
Posted by Dreamyboy
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by Dreamyboy
Posted by Chuckcem
Posted by Dreamyboy
Chicken Alfredo or spaghetti and meatballs ?
Alfredo is out though because she doesn't/can't easy dairy or cheese products.
Aww your right... it's made with cream...
Alfredo is really good though...poor girl....she'll never know.

Well there's always pesto... good stuff
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If you've never combined Alfredo, marinara, and pesto together, you are missing out. I know it sounds gross and it's an interesting shade of brown, but it is AMAZING with grilled chicken, grilled yellow and red peppers, broccoli, mushrooms, and aged Parmesan on top. Pour it over penne for perfection!

Posted by DeeLovesRed
Ok so I need some help, I'm with my little sister and I'm getting ready to make dinner... BUT she's a picky eater, what should I make for dinner tonight?

List of things she doesn't/can't eat:



-Peas (especially in rice)

-Cheese (it has to be a very small amount for her to eat it)


-Dairy products

There's more but can't remember.. I'm inexperience with picky/selective eaters... ????‍♀️??‍♀️
chicken picatta w/rissoto