Vegetarian/Vegan Recipes

This topic was created in the Food & Drink forum by MyStarsShine on Wednesday, April 19, 2023 and has 18 replies.
I’m eating very little meat now, just chicken and fish and have given up dairy. I keep reading this and it’s making me think:~

“Avoiding meat and dairy is the single biggest way to reduce your impact on Earth”

I want to try and cut it out altogether if possible. I can remember my boss years ago telling me how difficult red meat is for the digestive system and when i see slabs of it in the butchers, it makes me feel sick…

For anyone who has any vegetarian/vegan recipes they can share, it’d be great to try them out.

Thanks 🌟
Lately I've been on the greens, salad and carrot diet. Like now I can eat vegetables without any meat and be satisfy. I think I'm on the right path so far considering I don't goof. It's also a good way to lose weight. Now if only I can cut back on the beer and snacks I'll be one good dude.
Posted by Jumpin_Jupiter
Lately I've been on the greens, salad and carrot diet. Like now I can eat vegetables without any meat and be satisfy. I think I'm on the right path so far considering I don't goof. It's also a good way to lose weight. Now if only I can cut back on the beer and snacks I'll be one good dude.
Good for you JJ👏

Take a look at this … it may keep you on the straight and narrow lol

“The negative outcomes of eating meat: Individuals who consume meat frequently are more prone to cancer and heart disease. cholesterol issues and blood pressure fluctuation are other well-known adverse effects of meat”
As I remember, you created such topic before, but I could not find it for some reason.


You need

- Green buckwheat: 1 glass

- Water to boil it: x2.5 of the amount of the buckwheat

- Dried wakame: 15 grams

- Hot water to soak it out

- Carrot: 1

- Oil: 1 table spoon

- Salt: 1/2 tea spoon

1. Soak out the wakame during 10 minutes, remove all the stems. Peel and grate the carrot. Rinse the buckwheat.

2. Pour your casserole with a bit of oil, put the grated carrot in it and simmer for a while.

3. Add there the buckwheat, wakame, water, and salt. Bring to a boil, blend it all.

4. Down the fire, lid on, and cook until ready--all the water should be gone.

Of course, you can vary ingredients. For example, instead of salt, I use salted soy sauce. Also I take more carrot because I like when it is more.

P. S. Your boss is an idiot. Until the red meat is not fatty, it is OK for you. His personal functional dyspepsia is only his own problem.
I believe it's mostly cancer causing in the US because we add things to it and the FDA doesn't regulate stuff like just cutting around a tumor and selling the raw meat.

The meat taste so much better in other countries. It taste like the animal it came from!

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this is one of the greatest books for plant based recipes I have ever come across.

User Submitted Image
Posted by saggurl88
I believe it's mostly cancer causing in the US because we add things to it and the FDA doesn't regulate stuff like just cutting around a tumor and selling the raw meat.

The meat taste so much better in other countries. It taste like the animal it came from!

Gross 🤢🤮
Posted by alexscaries
Posted by Weeds
this is one of the greatest books for plant based recipes I have ever come across.

I had one called Thug Kitchen, but the ingredients were a ballache to find in the UK.

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that's a hilarious title all have to go find that one
Posted by saggurl88
I believe it's mostly cancer causing in the US because we add things to it and the FDA doesn't regulate stuff like just cutting around a tumor and selling the raw meat.

The meat taste so much better in other countries. It taste like the animal it came from!

Shocking …. Eating tumors 🤢🤮
Posted by Weeds
this is one of the greatest books for plant based recipes I have ever come across.

Thanks Weeds, I’ll look out for this 👍
Cancer fighting foods ~

The list is usually topped with berries, broccoli, tomatoes, walnuts, grapes and other vegetables, fruits and nuts. "If you look at the typical foods that reduce cancer risk, it's pretty much all plant foods that contain phytochemicals," says Wohlford.

No meat on that list
Posted by MyStarsShine
Posted by saggurl88
I believe it's mostly cancer causing in the US because we add things to it and the FDA doesn't regulate stuff like just cutting around a tumor and selling the raw meat.
The meat taste so much better in other countries. It taste like the animal it came from!

Shocking …. Eating tumors 🤢🤮
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It is not a tumor.
Posted by saggurl88
I believe it's mostly cancer causing in the US because we add things to it and the FDA doesn't regulate stuff like just cutting around a tumor and selling the raw meat.

The meat taste so much better in other countries. It taste like the animal it came from!

Not only that, but I watched something describing how the cheaper steaks aren't all from the same animal. Many places that process meat actual glue pieces of low grade meat together to make it look like a whole steak. The end result looks like a whole steak, yet the pieces are put together with "edible" glue, and the parts glued together look like natural fat strips. I personally know this is 100% true, because I took cooking lessons on how to cut and prepare things like beef. If you buy extreamly low cost beef, like a sirloin for example, from a place like shop in save, you will instantly notice the cut doesn't have grain following the same way. It literally looks like 3 different pieces glued together.

Many people won't know what I'm taking about. But hunt something in the wild, or get a good cut of meat and you will know what I'm talking about. Most store bought meat cuts aren't natural. They simply don't cut right, which is proof it's a fake cut of meat.
Posted by Soul
Posted by saggurl88
I believe it's mostly cancer causing in the US because we add things to it and the FDA doesn't regulate stuff like just cutting around a tumor and selling the raw meat.
The meat taste so much better in other countries. It taste like the animal it came from!

Not only that, but I watched something describing how the cheaper steaks aren't all from the same animal. Many places that process meat actual glue pieces of low grade meat together to make it look like a whole steak. The end result looks like a whole steak, yet the pieces are put together with "edible" glue, and the parts glued together look like natural fat strips. I personally know this is 100% true, because I took cooking lessons on how to cut and prepare things like beef. If you buy extreamly low cost beef, like a sirloin for example, from a place like shop in save, you will instantly notice the cut doesn't have grain following the same way. It literally looks like 3 different pieces glued together.

Many people won't know what I'm taking about. But hunt something in the wild, or get a good cut of meat and you will know what I'm talking about. Most store bought meat cuts aren't natural. They simply don't cut right, which is proof it's a fake cut of meat.
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Lentil tacos, I use lentils and occasional smash in black beans.

Quinoa Enchiladas where I did a pineapple salsa

I’d make a soup of fire roasted tomato, chilis and artichoke hearts then you can add cashew milk to thicken into a cream

Waiter: what can I get you?

Customer: steak well done please

Waiter: would that be with an abscess, glue and 💩 dressing?

Customer: yumm, yes please
My friend brought me a bag of kale from her garden…I’m going to make this today