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..I was looking into this today..I'm curious about other types and how a world consisting mainly of their type would look like. Found the one for NFs..will look for the rest.
NTs fear loss of self (conformism) NFs fear loss of connectedness (isolation) SJs fear loss of stability (change) SPs fear loss of excitement (stasis) Agree/disagree?
Ok, here I am in a quite odd relationship with an aqua... She is so strange in love... I mean... The bad thing is that we have spen just a little bit time togheter, we had perfect chemestry and we decided to keep in touch for a possible future relationshi
I always made up assumptions about why my Capricorn friend rarely showed his emotion towards me. Part of my assumptions were correct but I just recently found out some new reason why he holds back his emotion from me. I'm a very discreet person and I hav
Hi . I'm Aries Sun and Gemini moon . I wonder if both of us are compatible for each other . I like her from the moment we meet . To avoid suspicion I told her that I like another person . Unlike Arians , I;m very different . Im a coward and I hide my fee
I'm a Scorpio (22 on the 8th) and I would say I'm one of the most textbook female scorpios I've ever met, many friends also comment on it. Very moody but very focused and never let my moods consume me. Quiet but in a comfortable atmosphere I could be the