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Mar 30, 2015Comments: 2650 · Posts: 6434 · Topics: 214
what would have been better than the trash we just watched
share...what was the ending you wished to see or at least one that you thought would have been better
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Mar 24, 2019Comments: 4959 · Posts: 10458 · Topics: 278
Jon, Dany, Theon, Jaime and Tyrion all die during the battle with the Night King but not before Dany gives birth to an heir and legitimizing Gendry as Lord of the Stormlands. coz this is GOT so let's not pussy foot and major characters should be killed.
Cersei honors her word and brings her army to fight in the Long Night and uses deposits of buried wildfire that Aerys II left behind to decimate the walkers. she dies giving birth to a stillborn incest baby which finally fulfills all the prophecies about her golden shroud children and her own death (Euron 'the little brother' kills her upon finding out he's not the father).
With Dany's death, the remaining Unsullied and Dothraki go back to Essos.
Sansa remains Lady of Winterfell.
Gendry becomes Lord Regent to the young Aegon (Jon/Dany heir) with Bran Stark as Hand of the King and Arya as his queen mirroring how things should've been.
A guilty Robert Baratheon who couldn't get the Stark girl whose conquest was secured by the death of Targaryen children with his best friend Ned Stark as Hand of the King.
Children paying the debts of their parents.
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Oct 21, 2015Comments: 11066 · Posts: 36034 · Topics: 110
While the hounds eye is being destroyed by the mountain arya pulls a nightking move and ambushes him from behind. Together they push him off the edge into the flame and my fav character and the only one who remained in character (loveth you sandor) lives. They return to winter field and sandor serves sansa as her 'insert title here'.
When dany takes off for the red keep she flys directly there and burns the whole thing down, rightly so. The only innocent lives lost are those within the keep. Her forces help the remaining people leave the city as they advance.
Cerci is shielded by her brothers body and lives. She is found by tyrion who delivers her to dany and proves his loyalty and good intentions towards his sworn queen and she forgives his betrayal of letting his brother free. Cerc gets her rightful death by dragons flame in front of the watching city.
John still gets sent to the nights watch by dany for his betrayal.
The council in kings landing is a bit more diverse than white men making the decisions. Lets see some females and poc sitting at the table please. Brienne more than earned a seat.
We actually get to see grey worm go to naarth and spreads Missandei's ashes.
Drogo still flys away and the series ends with him on an island taking off into the sky. The camera pans down and we see a nest with 3 dragon eggs. Fade to black.