She is not telling me exactly why. All she say is " I really love you but I don't see any future for us. So we should end our relationship" . She's acting cold with me now but we still texting and calling each other but much less frequent than before.
I'm the cancer he is the sag. We met 2 years ago. He comes from a broken family and there are not many families like his in my country. People are expected to stick it out with their bad marriages. He has been raised by a single mother who remarrie
gemini season is almost over!!!
and thank god ... shit was C H A O S ...
Im ready for crab season
what are some things that you hop
My friends girlfriend recently left him. She started doing bodybuilding competitions, started to kind of distance herself and snap at him...then eventually moved all her stuff out. All within two months. He said their relationship was perfect prior, they
If someone dented your sports car with their own car door? And drove off without leaving a note? The night after you just washed her 😪😪 [IMG][/IMG]
You’re also pretty sure you know who the culprite is because they were p
I asked a question similar to this before but worded it weird, so I guess I’m just curious what do you look for in a partner? You don’t have to be Aries to answer :) just like hearing this stuff.
My ideal partner has to be creative and like to try new
So Saturn is in Capricorn. Technically I experienced my Saturn return in Sag back in July and lemme tell ya, that was rough. Lately I've been feeling more bitter an easy to anger. Just pissy mood more often than not (it could be just me)... Which is why I
Okay, I was with a scorpio for 1 and a half, he broke up with me 2 months ago, we were arguing a lot, I was expecting too much, wanted too much and stuff like that.
Anyways, he wanted to stay friends and be grown ups, and wrote me a couple of times to g