Signed Up: Dec 20, 2015 Comments: 792 · Posts: 1721 · Topics: 95
You can download it or get it from steam for free.
Anyways it is a dating simulator consists of 4 girls. This game looks innocent as the girls are cute looking and it has an innocent looking background and etc. Don't let the innocence fool you as this game has a very deep and dark twist.
In other words. It's disturbing. Had trouble sleeping because I kept thinking about it after I got to the end.
As you know my husband is a Cap who is absolutely sexually idle and I was under impression that it's sign related.
However I've met some othe Cap who is oozing sexual energy. He is like if he didn't have to go to work - all he would do is having sex.
I understand that Aquas tend to 'choose' friends over their partners. I'd like to know if there is some way I can make him understand that I'd appreciate limitations (esp w old friends of opposite sex) or lines that cant be crossed simply because I am n
I've never seen this cap guy irl, we've been playing an online game for 2 years now, lately we started talking pretty frequently, I actually think about traveling to his country(just travel and have fun) but I also kinda think he's showing a romantic inte
Hello everyone,
I met a Cancer guy two weeks ago and we have been on 5 dates, initiated mainly by him but also by me. 5 really fun dates with lots of kissing, holding hands and hugging. We text almost everyday, on his online dating profile it says he pre
I have just come out of a really bad relationship with a Taurus and I’m not really looking for a relationship for a very long time, however...
I met this Aquarius man a while ago and I didn’t want to take his number down when I met him so he suggeste
Many have difficulties with us, because we are difficult. Many people are getting desperate and get pusyh,
for lack of possibilites. Do the opposite, validate us and try to look for the positive intention behind our
difficulties. We dont liste
Im about to go thru Jupiter in the 5th house and just curious of your experiences with this transit. Did you find love, have a baby, partied more.. please explain :-)
We talking for days...
Seems I hate his vibes but he said he is pursuing me and he wouldn't give up.
I don't like his style. We talk politics, life, sex...
Like why?