Need alternate opinions

This topic was created in the Games forum by 777 on Thursday, April 23, 2020 and has 9 replies.
Posted by LaPetiteEtoile

Why is this in games forum?
I felt it was only right
Posted by tiziani

if they’re getting paid by the hour then yes, that’s a penalty.

if they can use those same skills to go into business for themselves then they can make the switch to billing clients up front.
so what makes a good employee then? the one who discusses frivolous things shows up & does the least amnt of work not 2 get fired
Posted by 777

on this subject

I don't understand. If your more efficient, you do more with less effort or time. If you finish early then you pick up additional tasks or get more challenging work.

To me this sounds like your complaining about passing 2nd grade and getting harder work in 3rd grade. ...

Is this really about your performance or are you focusing on everyones?

Don't you feel like your not being treated equally compared to the other employees?
Lmao. That reddit user is a Goody two shoes ass 🤣🤣🤣

I have learned to slow down my pace. Sometimes getting things done quickly to have a early day is better then pushing the limits everyday.

Even right now at my current job. I have been covering for another person- the admin- I don’t want her work load, so I have been doing a delayed job of getting her stuff done and pretending like I’ve had a bit of problems doing it.

I don’t want her workload to be added to mine if my boss sees that I can handle everything. Sometimes doing too good of a job doesn’t get you very far.

You’re supposed to worker smarter, not harder.
Posted by 777
Posted by tiziani

if they’re getting paid by the hour then yes, that’s a penalty.

if they can use those same skills to go into business for themselves then they can make the switch to billing clients up front.

so what makes a good employee then? the one who discusses frivolous things shows up & does the least amnt of work not 2 get fired
click to expand

life is a fight, you have to constantly keep an, eye out for your work efficiency,but just enough to satisfy your own interests and not the company's, that's the only way to be a real capitalist and not a commie. Pray the invisible hand.

Keep a flawless and hard working look in front of other people and incitate your coworkers to work hard.

If you're too efficient then yeah you might as well work for yourself.
if you're not getting paid by doing more task (or faster for that matter) then you're not getting paid for doing your job more "efficient" (faster =/= efficient though), you're getting paid for filling a role.

you should accept that and adjust or look for an alternative.

also if your boss doesn't realize how good is your job, you might want to point it out a little, I'm sure my Leo sun/mercury has helped me overcome that problem more than once LoL
Posted by Arielle83

That’s what it’s like at my work. Government.

The old slackers play the game.

The new kids are keen to get things done, or because they’re physically fit.

Then they get more work.

This was me. Only now I’m moved to the best area and upper class gardens and parks, while the old ducks are stuck in low shit suburbs and get to watch police chases.

However, if they move me and put me with some lazy old fuvk, they’ll expect me to motivate him, but I won’t.

I’ll be as slow as him, because I’m not pushing a middle aged lazy fuck.

But they won’t do that because I can refuse.

Best thing in my situation is my pay off is physical fitness.

The kid on Reddit’s pay off is leaving early.

He needs to not worry about who the other people are or what his boss thinks.

Most bosses just want you to show up.

He needs to get over his need for praise
you get it
Posted by hydorah
Posted by 777
Posted by tiziani

if they’re getting paid by the hour then yes, that’s a penalty.

if they can use those same skills to go into business for themselves then they can make the switch to billing clients up front.

so what makes a good employee then? the one who discusses frivolous things shows up & does the least amnt of work not 2 get fired

life is a fight, you have to constantly keep an, eye out for your work efficiency,but just enough to satisfy your own interests and not the company's, that's the only way to be a real capitalist and not a commie. Pray the invisible hand.

Keep a flawless and hard working look in front of other people and incitate your coworkers to work hard.

If you're too efficient then yeah you might as well work for yourself.
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and you get it