Sun Signs with Gemini Ascendant/Rising

This topic was created in the Gemini Ascendant forum by LostPisces on Thursday, December 19, 2013 and has 12 replies.
Pisces Sun
A peaceful, ???don??t rock the boat?? Pisces with a chatty, ???icing on the cake?? personality and a willingness to take charge and give direction???now that??s a special set of characteristics! Most take-charge types are more intimidating than these folks, but here there??s a craving for open dialogue with everyone, whether it??s their underlings or the boss. Youthful, spry, and almost always inoffensive, Pisceans with Gemini rising are the most conversant Pisceans of all. They??re the friendly folks you want to ride in the elevator with, always offering a nicety for the day: ???Hi, how are ya? Where ya from? I??ve been there. See ya later.?? Their cordiality is sincere and even entertaining. There are quick minds at work here, powered by a fanciful imagination; their curiosity is insatiable. They usually love to read, and fiction is often their literary cup of tea. And if they??ve read an interesting book or heard an interesting tidbit of information, they??ll readily share it at the water cooler.


But they??re well-intended, nice people and gifted managers???their noontime birth usually puts them in charge. They hire good people, they facilitate cooperation and teamwork, and they leave their team alone to do their jobs their own way. They value their own space so much that they usually give others the same consideration. Some of their downtime might even be spent in meditation: It helps them center and calm their restless minds and peaceful egos. Even a little quiet concentration now and then might be just the ticket to ensure that they??ve organized their thoughts enough to communicate clearly, truthfully, and effectively the next time they exercise their silver tongues.

Read more in the Book The Secrets of Your Rising Sign: The Astrological Key to Getting What You Want by William Lamb, Webb Harris Jr
Aries Sun
Watch out! It??s a ram on wheels, with sports car steering! If you can??t keep up, stand aside. Or be ready to change directions at any moment. Talk about multi-tasking! Arians with Gemini rising are brimming with bright ideas and arrive with their sleeves rolled up, asking all the necessary questions to get the job done quick as a whistle. And they??re flexible with everyone involved. Because they??re adept at communicating and making ???connections,?? they??re often found giving instruction in front of a class or working in shipping???making deliveries, piloting a plane, or even driving a bus. They also make splendid writers. They can keep two or three, or even four things going at the same time. Communicating and connecting gives them lots of acquaintances, so they can recommend a good roofer or an honest mechanic off the top of their head.

These Arians love to talk, so they stay in touch. However, they??re not usually good at slowing down and keeping things focused and orderly. Off-topic ramblings aren??t uncommon, and their friends have to be willing to go with the flow. They get bored quickly, and it??s easy for them to become scattered, to plan too much to do and leave themselves spread too thin to do the job punctually and properly. They plan insufficient intervals between their many appointments, so when they??re forced to wait for everybody to show up, they end up running behind for the remainder of the day They need to better budget their time. Arriving too early and anxious???or harried and late???undermines their natural Aries charm and always makes everything more difficult.
Taurus Sun
Gemini, ???the nice guy,?? usually does a good job of lightening up Taurus the Banker; Gemini??s ???icing on the cake?? sincerity adds a lot of tolerance and flexibility. So the nimble, spry, chatty-faced Jitterbug Gemini personality can be a real blessing here. Gemini rising provides the beast of burden an open mind, and while Taureans usually do profit from lightening up, they need to remember that ???loose lips sink ships.?? They need to avoid spilling the beans. Much depends on how well they??ve done their homework, allowing themselves to truly grasp the situation. Gemini loves to talk, so spewing opinions is a joy But if enlightenment is missing, those opinions might be a bit heavy-handed and better left unspoken. Taureans run the risk of taking a position not based in reality, so ???Don??t confuse me with the facts?? sets in. Taurus is the master of ???I just talk, I don??t listen?? bull-headedness, so he needs to avoid just rambling on. Taureans with Gemini rising are quite capable of self-undoing, so they have to remember that once the police officer has pulled them over and whipped out his pen, the time for running off at the mouth is past. Some silent respect works better. And being by themselves is rejuvenating; it helps them to see themselves in context, assimilating who and what they are, and what they think.[..]

Taureans born shortly after dawn make great teachers. They impart information articulately and understandably. In any event, they like to be involved with things that have a practical purpose, things that satisfy the Banker??s no-nonsense mentality. And since Gemini is the domain of vehicles and transportation, these Taureans might make splendid truck drivers: Their Taurus can sit, while their Gemini travels and chats with other truckers on the CB. But, please, none of that raw language over the airwaves!
Cancer Sun
Now these folks wear their hearts on their sleeve, always ready and willing to ramble on about how they feel and why they feel that way. They??re glib and personal. But don??t let them get their feelings hurt! They??ll give you a gush of emotion in a heartbeat. They??re more obvious and naive than most other Cancerians, and they??re often very cute in their demeanor. They give the impression they wouldn??t hurt a fly???and they wouldn??t! Cancerians born pre-dawn are involved parents and genuinely concerned friends. The sensitivity of Cancer and the inquisitive geniality of Jitterbug Gemini work in tandem to produce a lot of heartfelt concern, often expressed through easy conversation. These people are always willing to share their time and talk to others about their problems, whether it??s at the kitchen table or over the telephone. Their door is always open, and friends and family members who need a place to stay can count on their homespun hospitality for a bed and breakfast.

The Cancer ego mitigates some of Gemini??s less positive qualities. Quick-minded Gemini often causes shallow thinking and some lack of tact, but Cancer??s sensitivity provides a feeling for the deeper significance of any issue at hand. Cancer??s caution also puts a bridle on Gemini??s tendency to ramble. [..]

Cancer??s emotions, however, can sometimes be a bit draining, rendering these people needy in romantic relationships. They might be easily wounded, and very quick to remove themselves from attachments in which they feel even remotely used, slighted, or unappreciated. And later, in the quiet after the storm, their Cancerian nostalgia might move them to reminisce and idealize a tad too much: They??re deeply touched by all of their emotional experiences. What they need is a friend as true-blue as they are. Just as they??re always willing to lend a shoulder to cry on, Cancerians born pre-dawn shouldn??t be embarrassed to ask for some emotional support every now and then.
Gemini Sun
These people are busy-minded chatterboxes! They??re full of questions, and they give new meaning to multi-tasking. No one juggles two, three, or four things at one time as efficiently as these quick-minded, quick-moving flit-arounds. They might be unsettled, but they??re incomparably pleasant!

Geminians with Gemini rising are Jitterbug Gemini through and through. They never get bored. They??ll always find something that interests them. Though many other astrological factors can influence the physical type, the usual Gemini youthful appearance and slightly built body are typical here. They love to be in motion, walking, jogging, or bicycling through the neighborhood, waving to neighbors or stopping briefly to chat. Ping-pong and tennis usually appeal to them; anything that flits back and forth or changes directions quickly is their bailiwick. The exercise of to-and-fro is even at work in Gemini??s love of reading: These folks are often fast readers, adept at scanning words. But slowing down to absorb the meaning and retain the information is very important. Their curiosity is boundless; they??re often drawn to magazines and newspapers that offer up information in neat, little packages. But it??s easy for them to miss the point. (Be ready to repeat yourself when talking to them!) [..]

And these Geminians do love to drive. They??ll be willing to give you a ride to the ends of the earth, and you??ll definitely enjoy the trip. They love gadgetry, too, whether it??s at their fingertips on the dashboard or sitting in the entertainment center. Information-giving gadgetry???like global positioning systems, calculators, and computers???are especially their cup of tea. Eager to share what they know and naturally pleasant, Geminians born around dawn are especially equipped to gather information and answer questions in positions such as telephone directory assistance or classroom instruction. But a deliberate pursuit of mental focus is recommended if they??re to be truly knowledgeable as opposed to scatterbrained.
Leo Sun
Here are some ???icing on the cake?? congenial people with warm, sunny dispositions. They??re unassuming and accommodating but well aware of what needs to be done and ready to give intelligent instruction. These people pour on the Gemini chatty-faced charm to get the attention they prefer to satiate their sunny Leo ego. They??re masterful at putting others at ease by showing an interest in them. These Leos have a naturally inquisitive, spry, flit-around demeanor that??s very entertaining???a pure joy to behold. They move gracefully from person to person at parties and conventions, and their voice itself might be distinctive, whether through a leisurely southern drawl or a willy-nilly, thinly-toned prattle. In fact, they might make their living with a microphone, whether at a radio station or a dispatch office. They??re naturals at ventriloquism, comic monologues, and college auditorium lectures, though other sorts of career choices can be just as rewarding, including physical training, writing, and package and mail delivery. These Leos might even drive a school bus???and love every minute of it! Going here and there and being with children are two of their favorite things to do.

The level of success they achieve will be defined by the level of their awareness of self and circumstance. If they see themselves objectively, they??ll live a happy life and make a substantial contribution. [..] Leos with Gemini rising just need to avoid being labeled shallow or scatterbrained. Their Leo mastery, coupled with their Gemini glibness, gives them the best of both worlds.
Virgo Sun
These are quick-minded, chatty-faced people with a lot of bright ideas. And hopefully a few of those ideas will actually work! But even if friends and colleagues have to sort through a whole lot of nonsense to find what??s workable, these Virgoans are still a joy to be around, especially in the comfort of their own homes. Virgoans born around midnight are naturally congenial, glib, sincere, and disarming, and if they??ll emphasize these positive traits and avoid rambling on, they??ll earn the respect and adoration they deserve for their quick-mindedness. The Jitterbug Gemini personality almost always creates a talker, but because midnight births are sometimes quite shy, these Virgoans might prefer one-on-one situations like sitting at the kitchen table or conversing privately over the telephone. They??re often more focused on the people closest to their hearts than on strangers they meet at a party. They sometimes feel that their most important duties and responsibilities are those that revolve around their home-life. It??s here, at home, that they feel most comfortable, and they take great pride in the appearance of their houses. Don??t forget: Virgoans usually have a neat freak hidden in there somewhere, whether it??s obvious or not.

These Virgoans love to escape into a good book, or even a sewing machine, that lets them wander off into their busy minds. Sometimes they??re apprehensive about venturing out of the house and trying something new, preferring instead to stick with what??s familiar in their own workshop or craft room. Virgoans with Gemini rising need to keep a focused eye on their insecurities and not let those insecurities paralyze their willingness to follow their inspirations. On the other hand, they??re extremely curious and highly analytical, and in social settings they exercise these traits by conveying interesting information and showing a sincere interest in the people they meet. Their glibness usually gives them wonderful people skills. [..]
Libra Sun
What??s not to like about a chatty-faced, obliging person who??s always interested enough to say, ???Hi there! How are ya? Where ya from? I??ve been there! See ya later!??? Insanely curious about everything that breathes???and more!???Librans with Gemini rising are the sorts of people who are so superb at passing the time with cordial conversation that they??re the perfect elevator companions. No uptight, zipped-lip, stare-at-the-numbers, ???just get us to the top floor?? here. They??re glib and interesting people, eagerly offering friends a ride to the airport, and never allowing any uncomfortable silence to fill the air during the trip. Being in motion while chatting up a storm suits their Jitterbug Gemini personality, and keeping people happy satiates their obliging Libra ego. So as long as they don??t let their conversation degenerate into rambling nonsense or hurtful rumors, they??ll be greatly appreciated. Being as aware of others as Libra almost always is and possessing a penchant for yakkity-yakking as Gemini does, these Librans need to avoid crossing the line between chatting and gossip. Gemini??s flit-around nature enhances Likable Libra??s ability to earn friends and influence people for fun and profit. But if they get lost, scattered, or mistaken ??_ God help us! It??ll take forever to get them back on track. Though, of course, they??re so charming there??s never any shortage of empathetic workers to get them up and running again.

[..]In management positions, they??re skilled at keeping their underlings informed and feeling considered. But again, there??s always a temptation to say more than is necessary or just ramble on about matters that are of no consequence???and if the subject is superficial, they can appear very flighty or shallow. Their mid-evening births are well-served by slowing down enough to double-check their facts. This also helps them avoid those helter-skelter, busy dizzy behavior patterns that make for missed appointments and broken promises. With their curiosity, sincerity, and helpful availability, these Librans have the potential to be more well-liked and deeply cherished than almost any other sun sign/rising sign combination; it??s simply a matter of making certain that their interactions with others result in mutual benefits rather than confusion, missed opportunities, and emotional estrangement.
Scorpio Sun
Here come some insightful, focused Scorpios with an inquisitive, chatty-faced personality that people open up to automatically because they??re so non-threatening. People end up sharing their life story before they know it. These Scorpios show a sincere interest in others and ask questions constantly. They love their information hot off the press and, whenever possible, straight from the horse??s mouth. The light and lively Jitterbug Gemini personality provides the Scorpio ego with tolerance, youthfulness, and flexibility, which are all very effective tools for an in-the-know Scorpio. Innately sincere and unassuming, they??re usually considered to be very easy people to work with, getting things done before they??re even asked. And with a reputation for being extra-cooperative, they receive a lot of consideration and favor from the people closest to them. They enjoy any kind of work that requires efficient behavior with frequent changes of direction. They??re masters of communication, whether in a classroom or on the road, though doing research and gathering data are easy and fun activities, as well. They??re usually not that fond of the limelight. But whatever their job, they expect to go home with a sense of accomplishment, maybe poised to curl up comfortably with a good book, perhaps a Mysterious Scorpio whodunit. But the key here is managing yet another tool that the Gemini personality provides, which is the gift of gab.

[..] When relationships go sour the temptation will be to spill the beans, but what??s to be gained by doing so? These Scorpios need to do their best to take the high road???it??s the surest way to preserve the adoration they??ve earned with their tolerance, flexibility, and generous contributions.
Sagittarius Sun
Sweet, optimistic Sagittarius, born at obliging, ???I don??t wanna be alone?? dinnertime, with an ???icing on the cake?? Jitterbug Gemini personality. What??s not to like here? These are among the most pleasant, ???people pleasing?? individuals on the planet. They??re always aware of how they??re being received and are magicians at adjusting themselves to whatever situation is at hand. With a youthful appearance and a spry, quick-minded intelligence, they flit like hummingbirds from person to person and place to place, and from one quickly conceived idea to another, leaving people charmed by their unassuming good nature. They??re genuinely interested in the people around them, and it shows! People usually give them the benefit of the doubt because they??re so harmless and obviously well-meaning. Even when they mindlessly ramble with Gemini chatter, they??re found to be entertaining rather than annoying; and when they ask for information that??s none of their business, people seem to open up like blossoming flowers. They??re apt to be especially interested in sports, from fishing to football, and in subjects with philosophical or religious overtones. They read up on the subjects that interest them and are always willing to share whatever information they have. Boy, are they willing to share WHATEVER information they have. (Oops. I hope we??re not describing a loose tongue.)


But there??s a need for more serenity. These folks are so high-strung that a rest-easy ???all is well?? faith in life is all but totally absent. Their insecurities run deep. They need to sit back, relax, and not overdo it with their short-term attention span and their tendency towards no-focus, willy-nilly behavior. Yes, they??re sincere???and, sure, they??re charming???but everything has its limits. They need to avoid letting their loquacious and convincing manner be misinterpreted as fanaticism. And they need to be deliberate and do their homework when circumstances demand focus. If it??s important to read the handbook before coming to the meeting, then they need to do just that, rather than show up unprepared and ready to b.s. their way through. If they??re up to the challenge of being well-prepared, these Sagittarians almost always persevere to victory.
Capricorn Sun
An ???icing on the cake?? sincere and glib personality is a fine fit for these Wise Old Goats; they become more disarming and approachable, with lots to say. These Capricorns are those wonderfully communicative people who are always willing to share the reasons behind their decisions, leaving no room for confusion or resentment. There??s an open mind, open dialogue, and open-door policy at work here. Being Capricorns, they still love to be the boss and they??re always in charge, but Gemini brings more flexibility and a willingness to hear others?? ideas rather than rule with an iron fist. Jitterbug Gemini??s chattiness makes these people a lot more open than other Capricorns???everyone stays on the same page because there??s more sharing, and that improves the team effort. In this way, these Capricorns endear themselves to their underlings and overcome a good deal of that make-everything-difficult negativity that often accompanies their sun sign. As a matter of fact, they??re often adept at using words to create a favorable impression. They know the power of benign misinformation, and they??re skilled at using it in the most fortuitous circumstances without letting on that they??re following a calculated Capricorn plan. And no one??s the wiser???and there??s no resentment!???because everyone??s purpose is served. How??s that for win-win silver-tongued Gemini slickness?

These people are great schoolteachers; their Gemini instruction and Capricorn discipline work wonderfully in the classroom. They communicate openly with their students, helping them make the connection between their classroom education and the ways of the world. As managers, they do the same, making it clear to their underlings how today??s behavior will affect tomorrow??s outcome. These people prefer to be in charge of their own domain. They don??t respond well to being positioned under someone??s thumb. They want authority for themselves as well as the opportunity to put their own thoroughly thought-out ideas into practice, knowing that they??re usually right on. They??re also apt to be great salespeople, peddling their wares with a productive glibness. And, finally, many self-employed truck-drivers who love the back-and-forth, here-and-there nature of their work are Capricorns with Gemini rising.
Aquarius Sun
If these quick-minded, chatty-faced Aquarians emphasize the ???best foot forward,?? funny-bone side of their Aquarius ego, they??ll entertain and fascinate people with cordial conversation and be adored and appreciated. ???Gee, I kinda like that guy?? never worked out better than it does with congenial, interesting Gemini rising. The stiffness of Aquarius benefits tremendously from a flexible Jitterbug Gemini personality. Remember: Gemini??s the ???icing on the cake?? of the zodiac. Not only are these folks typical Aquarius team-players, but they??re highly effective multi-taskers to boot, juggling three or four duties without ever dropping the ball. Their versatility enables them to do almost anything, but they often find special success and satisfaction in teaching posts or a dispatcher??s seat, where they can inform and direct people with their glib silver tongues. Navigating familiar city streets, delivering newspapers, packages, or the daily mail might also be dream jobs. They love to share information!


And as usual with Gemini, there??s a tendency to talk, talk, talk. These Aquarians hatch new ideas by the hour and are compelled to share them. So with a sense of humor and a good attitude, they make their point and prove their case with amazing congeniality. But if that stiff-spined, contentious Aquarius side shows itself, they ramble on endlessly about whatever opinion is on their mind or argue insatiably over trivial matters. A tendency to argue simply for argument??s sake is a taxing trait when it??s wielded by someone who never shuts up. And if a bad attitude doesn??t manifest itself through specific words, it still shows up in things like body language, facial expressions, and the tone of voice. If these Aquarians find themselves constantly on the defensive, hearing themselves say ???I didn??t say anything!?? they need to realize that when their attitude is on display like a neon sign they don??t need to say anything to be offensive. That??s why a good attitude is always their ticket to a bevy of friends and an interesting life full of conversational enjoyment.

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