I am a pisces and have been acquaintances with this gemini for a little over a year. About two months ago I became interested in him - he had always been too quite to catch my attention before. He seemed really interesting but all our conversations were very short, he was really hard to get to know. He would text me briefly and randomly when we were apart, but that was about it.
I went and hung out with him a couple weeks ago and had a great time. We were at a party and spent a lot of time together. We end up breaking away from the group and he opened up to me about his father dying (which I hadn't known about before) and we had a good heart-to-heart about it which was the first time we had an intimate conversation. I ended up staying the night at his place and he asked me to stay up late talking so we did. He was sweet and interesting. I thought that we had broke a barrier in being friends and we would start to become closer, but things went back to being the same. He is nice still but hasn't sought after increasing how much we talk or trying to be closer. Is this normal gemini behavior? If I am interested what is the best way to continue?
Also, does it seem like a gemini to be uninterested in getting to know someone through texting?
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Mar 30, 2015Comments: 2650 · Posts: 6434 · Topics: 214
Gemini's never do anything without any intention.
I would run if I were you.
It's a bad match. I've never met a pisces who ended up happy with a gemini.
Gemini's get bored. Gemini's can be abusive. Gemini's can be reckless materially , emotionally and physically. They are prone to cheating. They are prone to quitting their job. They are prone to being selfish. Mostly they are prone to breaking up with you..especially if you no longer serve them intellectually and materially.
Pisces , especially piscean women need more stability.
Gemini's are always fun in the beginning though and usually have good taste. But I persoanlly as a pisces woman would never invest time and emotion into even a friendship with a Gemini. Chances are your aloofness and coldness will make them like you more anyone.
I've been there and done that . I don't regret my experience with even having a gemini male friend because I got the chance to really evaluate a person and not based on someone else's opinion astrological wise. But I was sad to find out that all of the warnings were true.
Good luck.
Gemini's should date other air signs and saggs. I think their morals and emotional natures are very similar. Libras and Aquarians would allow a lot of things slide that water signs and earth signs wouldn't.
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Mar 30, 2015Comments: 2650 · Posts: 6434 · Topics: 214
Also to answer your question he's being cold because he's uncertain of the way he feels. Gemini's go back and forth all of the time about everything including romantic interests.
This guy seems very committed and hard working (almost like a capricorn - which, YIKES, I had a rough experience with). Everyone seems to be acting like that's not a gem trait though. He is extremely smart and academically successful. It feels like he is very focused on whatever is in front of him, which makes me feel like he'd be a dedicated if he decided to commit to a person. (Although this discussion is fairly irrelevant because we're no where near committing to one another ??_ I'm just dying for him to let me to get to know him better right now.)
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Apr 27, 2015Comments: 0 · Posts: 152 · Topics: 15
Wow Adreamaponwaking... My sister is a Gem and she is nothing of what you described at all. She can get bored thats true... not reckless materially.. can be quite emotional. She has never cheated... been in a job she dislikes for the last 12 years. Never in my life have I seen her being selfish.. She is not militaristic but does like having a clean home and nice things. Quite frankly she is amazing. I do tend to find she opens up alot when she has a few drinks... if she is going through a bad time I notice she doesnt contact me for a while.. she tends to keep it in. She is great fun almost over the top fun lol Very intelligent and likes good debate. Gems are great.. my daughter is one too! I will say My sister hasnt been in a relationship for a long time now... she finds it awfully hard to let someone know she is interested... even though she really wants to, she backs away because she doesn't know how to move forward with it! Which i find really frustrating bless her!
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Jan 19, 2013Comments: 1552 · Posts: 9503 · Topics: 11
Forgot to mention the essential: Gems are very indecisive! My man is not even aware how indecisive he is! As water signs, we should be able to use this to our advantage though, make 'em do what we want, without them being aware of what's going on (until it's too late...he he).
Oh I forgot to mention. They are highly manipulative. Very, very charming! Don't try to stand your ground and or reason with them, they won't take responsibility and if they apologize which is rare but it's only so they can use you.
He cheated and didn't take responsibility when I found out literally sat there as he processes the lie in his head. I had proof in writing since he'd given mean std. Oh boy, and then...let me stop now because it will only take me back to that place. It's been 2 years. But Yea stay AWAY!!!'
There is always a reason for it.
Lastly, interestingly enough we started out as great friends. He was Prince Charming when he began the wooing me process. But as friends we were like batman and robin. He gave me a nicname and everything. I was really devastated by the loss of what had been a great friendship at first. Idk it was weird.
Here's a little more info on him: moon - sag, Mercury - gem, venus - cancer
And on me moon - scorp, mercury - pisces, venus - aries
I don't know enough about astrology right now to know what this might mean :/ ??_
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Mar 30, 2015Comments: 2650 · Posts: 6434 · Topics: 214
We are always fun and have good taste!
I wouldn't count incidents of violent outbursts of abusive language as being fun as well as incidents in which you've found out that this person that you consider to be a friend, has been lying to you and gossiping about you behind your back.
Here's an anecdote for you. Two girlfriends and I once went on a 24-hour turn around trip to Las Vegas that was instigated by our Gemini male friend at the time. We took his dad's convertible and entered and won a poker tournament. All seem to be great in the beginning. Upon our departure, after our male Gemini companion had copious amount of alcohol, he started to berate one of my friends during the drive home. A lot of the stuff he was saying seemed to be nonsensical, misplaced and random. We had no clue where this aggression and deep hurt he obviously was harboring was coming from. He made the girl he berated cry.
To make matters worse all three of us girls found out months after by other male mutual friends that this Gemini man who took us to Vegas had been going around saying that he hooked up with one of us and how that had made the other two of us cry during the trip.
After not being friends with him for about a year I gave him another shot. . Even more so I encouraged the other two girls to give him a shot as well. I was in a Piscean forgiving, transcendental type of mood at the time. After about two months of random hangouts with him and my two girlfriends I found out he was lying about something else. Albeit what he was lying about was trivial it still indicated that he had not changed.
I have another former friend who was a Gemini gay man. I gave him the benefit of the doubt and tried to be friends with him even though a close friend of his warned me about his abusive behavior. I thought it was weird in that she was his supposed best friend and yet she was warning me not be friends with him. After about a year in half of random sporadic hangouts I witnessed what she was talking about. Copious amounts of alcohol and ???the deep feeling or sense of hurt?? were also key elements that were present in this incident. Itwas the last time we hung out.
So be forewarned.
Signed Up:
Mar 10, 2013Comments: 17 · Posts: 813 · Topics: 19
A good advice from a Gemini for you - Run a mile away from him. Its not worth you Pisces wasting your precious life with a Gemini, you'll end up emotionally drained at the end. Get a Scorpio.
Signed Up:
Mar 30, 2015Comments: 2650 · Posts: 6434 · Topics: 214
I like how Toker x started off defending himself but then confirmed all but two of the issues I've seen with the Gemini men I've encountered . I think the not being a father and being unfaithful probably due to boredom might be the worst . But whatever floats your boat . I can't really wrap my head why a woman would knowingly get involved or stay involved ( after finding out) with someone like that unless she had a greatly depleted sense of self esteem and self worth ... Which I guess a lot of women do unfortunately .
But again to be fair not all Gemini men are like this . It's Just a lot of them I've encountered seem to exhibit these traits whether they were friends, family, or the family of friends .
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Jan 19, 2013Comments: 1552 · Posts: 9503 · Topics: 11
"Please don't listen to anyone around here that isn't a Gem."
Why not? She's going to see the Gem through the eyes of a Pisces and react accordingly. How he really is.....doesn't really matter.
To Nautical....he seems to behave socially like a typical Gem. Not much evidence of being romantically interested...you'll have to be more proactive. Begin by asking simple questions like "Has you got a girlfriend?"
I think it was me who firstly contacted the Gem on a dating site. Otherwise he wouldn't have known I existed! We could only see our best "matches". Interestingly, he was one of mines but I wasn't one of his (the differences were caused by the answers we gave on how to raise kids...not surprisingly, since he is a very hands-on father of two, while I don't have kids).
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Jan 19, 2013Comments: 1552 · Posts: 9503 · Topics: 11
"have you got a girlfriend?"
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Jan 19, 2013Comments: 1552 · Posts: 9503 · Topics: 11
To TokerX
Your "cheating" memories make me smile.
Some people like myself consider cheating only if it involves sex with someone else, while in a very committed relationship (aka living together for at least one year and planning a future together, married or about to).
What you were doing is some juvenile activity on the dating scene. Forget cheating. Grow up and become able to commit properly first. Even then, kissing a female friend is hardly cheating.
Signed Up:
Jan 19, 2013Comments: 1552 · Posts: 9503 · Topics: 11
To a dreamupon &co:
A false sense of entitlement is even worth that low self esteem.
"he LIED.....!!!!" (said with the horror of someone witnessing a murder).
Hello? Human lie in average 10 times a day.
"He quit his job!"
....Huh? The average human changes jobs several times in life.
Welcome to Earth, silly muppets.
Signed Up:
Jan 19, 2013Comments: 1552 · Posts: 9503 · Topics: 11
Scorpio..? Could be more of a Gem thing?
When we answered the multiple choice question of what is cheating (a dating site thing), I picked "Having sex with someone else", while my Gem picked "Having dinner in a restaurant with someone else". I still hope he was joking.
Those coy Gems, lmao!
Saying "I love you" during sex usually means "I love this sex" for anyone. Doesn't mean they don't love you, but it certainly doesn't mean love and sex are connected.