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Apr 27, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 195 · Topics: 27
Ok. I hate to say this but all my gem friends (and there's a lot, mostly born in May) are pretty much like me... Has a string of guys (female gems) or string of girls (male gems). For some reason, it's no longer surprising to me everytime we talk and say "I think I met the ONE" only to turn out a week after or a month after that the "ONE" isn't the one after all.
In my case, all year round, I dated one guy every month. And I guess I have attracted and dated a crazy amount of guys specially when I was younger. And I get bored easily so if one guy doesn't respond too well to my flirtatious ways, I wave goodbye. I have this disappearing act too, specially if I got jealous. I don't break up and the guy never knew why I left and where I went until years after. I made a list recently because I wanted to identify my dating pattern, if there is and here's what I came up with:
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Apr 27, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 195 · Topics: 27
*6. Gemini- childhood friend. Never my type. Just like a brother to me. Wanted to court me since graduation, never agreed. Set him for a blind date with my libra cousin but still wanted to date me. Hiding from him now.
7. Libra- fling. Looks good and seems very sweet and romantic.
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Apr 27, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 195 · Topics: 27
I couldn't agree more! I never had as much chemistry with anyone the way I have it with fellow air signs. Lol
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Oct 04, 2011Comments: 267 · Posts: 3037 · Topics: 43
Im pretty much sold on the fact that no one is for me regardless of sign (Gemini as you all know). LOL! So jaded lately. And im kinda irritated with this board too. Can't seem to find my niche with astrological signs. Aqua is too distant for me, Scorpio just pisses me off even how much I adore them (my sun is in the VIII house, look at my chart I think that's why Im so into them). Sagittarius im totally fucking fed up with. Another Sag pissed me off and I ripped him a new one last night. So just not having this shit right now. Libra meh the ones I meet are too non committal not my style .
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Nov 16, 2010Comments: 0 · Posts: 2245 · Topics: 36
I'm a Gem Sun, Mercury, Venus born on June 15. I definitely never had a string of guys- very much the opposite. The opportunity was always there, but I didn't take it. My May 24 best friend has more guys than she can even keep track of.
I think we're the same at the core: she keeps tons of guys around because she's overwhelmed by the amount of choices and needs to try them all. I'm overwhelmed by the amount of choices, and respond by keeping guys at a distance until I'm completely sure of them.