All the Geminis please stand up!

This topic was created in the Gemini forum by Aria on Thursday, May 16, 2013 and has 10 replies.
Ok. I hate to say this but all my gem friends (and there's a lot, mostly born in May) are pretty much like me... Has a string of guys (female gems) or string of girls (male gems). For some reason, it's no longer surprising to me everytime we talk and say "I think I met the ONE" only to turn out a week after or a month after that the "ONE" isn't the one after all.
In my case, all year round, I dated one guy every month. And I guess I have attracted and dated a crazy amount of guys specially when I was younger. And I get bored easily so if one guy doesn't respond too well to my flirtatious ways, I wave goodbye. I have this disappearing act too, specially if I got jealous. I don't break up and the guy never knew why I left and where I went until years after. I made a list recently because I wanted to identify my dating pattern, if there is and here's what I came up with:
1. Gemini- first boyfriend-broke up bec. He's too wishy washy like me
2. Virgo- 2nd boyfriend- I got jealous so I disappeared. Fast forward 5 years after the breakup, he's still chasing me and wanted to date me again! Of course, I said no.
3. Pisces-fling. Just that.
4. Libra-3rd boyfriend- great sex. But too lazy for me. Broke up with him by just saying "I wanna date another guy. Please move on." He resigned right after we broke up.
5. Pisces- 4th boyfriend- boring sex. Broke up because he was engaged with an aqua before we met and he never told me he was still engaged while we're still together. He still contacts me via bbm until now. Told me he wanted to divorce her, I ignored him. I had a feeling he wanted to know if he can get back with me.
6. Scorpio- 5th boyfriend- together for 2 years. Broke up because he's too suffocating and doesn't want to get married nor have kids. Can't live with that. Anyway, he's now engaged to a gemini. Happy for him. And he's still angry at me. Greeted him on his birthday but he never responded.
7. Sagittarius- dated for 3 months- long distance. We never talked about it but we just decided to date other people. Everytime we are in one location, we make sure that we still go out together though. Status: friends. Great sex btw. Very passionate.
8. Sagittarius- fling. Until now.
9. Virgo- fling. Until now.
10. Virgo- boyfriend for a year. Push and pull ever since. Too much argument and got linked with a cappy so I left him.
11. Aqua- boyfriend now, for 7 months. perfect mental and mood match! Unbelievable.
On the side I had:
1. Sagittarius - childhood friend. Wanted to court me for about 2 years now, never agreed. On call. Like I can call him and say, "dude, let's hang out." And he'd be like "sure where? Now? Give me 15 mins" never fails to be there for me.
2. Capricorn- courted me for 3 years. I usually hide from him because he bores me but he kept chasing me. Gave up on the 4th year. Now in a relationship with one of my gem friends smile
3. Taurus- fling. No communication now.
4. Taurus- fling. Calls me, messages me and still asking for a date. I only respond on friday nights nevertheless, I still don't show up. He still invites me anyway. Until now.
5. Gemini- officemate. Not my type. Attempted to court me but I said no. 3x. Still is one text away specially when I want a drinking buddy after work.
6. Gemini- childhood friend. Never my type. Just like a brother to me. Wanted to court me since graduation, ne
*6. Gemini- childhood friend. Never my type. Just like a brother to me. Wanted to court me since graduation, never agreed. Set him for a blind date with my libra cousin but still wanted to date me. Hiding from him now.
7. Libra- fling. Looks good and seems very sweet and romantic.
Posted by Geminivixen
Yep.. May Geminis are the most Potent Gems Tongue I'm May 26, and I don't know what to do with myself sometimes Tongue Gemini season coming soon WOOT! What's your zodiac sign?

I'm a May 23rd Gemini. Woot! It's my birthday next week!!! Party!!! smile
yeah!!! I bet that wouldve been so much fun and people will just envy the fun we're having! Hahaha. And I bet we will both go home around 8am because we partied too much and waited until everybody's tired and went home. Hahahahahahahahahaha Big Grin
Posted by AquaGemini
I'm a June 20th Gemini :O I'm the opposite! Had 2 taurus boyfriends but they were too clingy and possessive, ew. They lasted 4-5 months each... And a Gemini boyfriend, but we didn't mesh well on a romantic level, we dated less than a month and decided we were better off as friends. My current Libra boyfriend is perfect

Ooooh. Intriguing! No string of guys? Taurus guys and I don't get serious enough. Lol. They seem really cool though! Gemini... Hmmmm. Very much like us no? It's like dating yourself! Lol. When is your gemini ex' birthday? My gem ex was May 21st. What is it about your libra that you really like? I think I'm yet to meet a lovely one. For now, the aqua tops it all for me!
That sounds nice for a libra! smile my aqua is pretty much the same. It's like he knows me even if I don't tell him exactly what I want. Could it possibly be because they are air signs like us? The chemistry is undeniable!
I couldn't agree more! I never had as much chemistry with anyone the way I have it with fellow air signs. Lol
Im pretty much sold on the fact that no one is for me regardless of sign (Gemini as you all know). LOL! So jaded lately. And im kinda irritated with this board too. Can't seem to find my niche with astrological signs. Aqua is too distant for me, Scorpio just pisses me off even how much I adore them (my sun is in the VIII house, look at my chart I think that's why Im so into them). Sagittarius im totally fucking fed up with. Another Sag pissed me off and I ripped him a new one last night. So just not having this shit right now. Libra meh the ones I meet are too non committal not my style .
I'm a Gem Sun, Mercury, Venus born on June 15. I definitely never had a string of guys- very much the opposite. The opportunity was always there, but I didn't take it. My May 24 best friend has more guys than she can even keep track of.
I think we're the same at the core: she keeps tons of guys around because she's overwhelmed by the amount of choices and needs to try them all. I'm overwhelmed by the amount of choices, and respond by keeping guys at a distance until I'm completely sure of them.