Aries woman & Gemini man...

This topic was created in the Aries and Gemini Compatibility forum by Ariessoul3 on Wednesday, March 2, 2011 and has 6 replies.
Hey so I'm new to this so bare with me please... So this guy works with me asked me out a yr ago and I had a bf at the time so I turned him down... He stopped working for a while and just recently came back this january... When we finally got to work together he asked me out like we had some unfinished business or something so I agreed.... We went to go get drinks one night and he was kinda shy at first but then he started to open up more(which I think he was kinda drunk ) he asked me if I wanted to go watch a movie at his place of course I said no bc it was hella late and im not that kinda girl... So because I didnt wanna have sex with him I thought he would just forget about me but tje next morning he texted me saying good morning... So we've.been doing this."good.morning" everyday.and he always what im doing and when I tell him he either dont answer or takes forever to text me back nor does he ever call me??... But when were at work its soo weird he gives me the longest hugs and tried to a couple of times?? My co workers say he talks about me and that hes shy but I thought geminis wont shy?? Am I moving too fast or hes just not into me which bc I really like him...
P.s sorry about typos im writing this from my phone smile!
"So because I didnt wanna have sex with him" he didnt say he wanted to have sex with me I just thought he wanted to since.he asked me.over sooo late
gems can be shy, especially sometimes if they like ya. he sounds pretty interested. if you're trying to figure out what he's looking for, ask him. he sounds young or a bit sloppy. i know it takes me awhile to get back to texts sometimes cuz i'm not always 'on', y'know? i gotta gather myself together before i create a worthwhile response. i dated one gem dude once & he was awful with his phone correspondence. i wouldn't take it too personally just yet.
It's not at all true that Gems aren't shy. We know the art of conversation, and can gab all day about nothing with people we don't even know, but when we're interested in someone it's different.
Thanks for the replys... Yeah he's 21 I guess thats not too young, well for me its not lol... I'll try to ask him what he's looking for... I just feel like he's not interested because I'm use to a guy making the first move(been in a relationship with a cancer for 4yrs) and everytime I ask him to hang out with me he says he's busy or doesn't answer to my text, but he invited me to his poerty/comedy show? Will it be too forward to just call him? I don't know this is confusing lol...
i chased that gem guy down, no shame & he looovvved it. i was very clear & point blank with him. he's a feminist & he was more on the passive side, preferring to ebb & flow to a stronger woman. told me that's just his personal preference, it makes him feel secure. good thing yer an aries!