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Mar 23, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 876 · Topics: 65
If you are in love with a Gemini then you are going to have be
prepared to give the object of desire a lot of space. A Gemini does
not like to feel owned, smothered, restricted or limited in anyway.
He or she feels burdened by the responsibility of having to respond
to or take care of your feelings. It is just not going to happen!
So before you take on a Gemini make sure that you are not the type
that can't handle rejection. Most likely if you do have an
emotional problem you will be told to deal with it.
Also a Gemini may not respond in the usual predictable manner to
familiar emotional stimuli. For instance it can take a Gemini a
long time to realize that you want to be more than friends. This is
because this eloquent and witty sign flirts continually without any
intention of having a relationship. Both sexes are notorious teases
that are always wondering how they ended up with so many stalkers.
Geminis are used to being surrounded by lots of suitors and lots of
friends. Many of them are talents so you might also have to contend
with an adoring public or a big social circle. So if you are a
jealous type or require a lot of one on one time you may not
necessarily get it from a Gemini.
Most Geminis think they live in a sitcom which must include a
number of friends who visit them every day. Oh and did I mention
that most of these friends will be completely nuts? Mercurial
Geminis have a way of seeing genius and brilliance where others
only see incompetence and sloth.
There is no way you are going to escape the influence or judgement
of this posse. In fact one common Gemini trait is for him or her to
take a poll to see what all of the friends think of you before they
make a move.
Yet another certainty is that no detail of your relationship will
be kept discreet. Your every move will be analyzed and judged. A
select group of friends will know everything from when you first
slept together to what you eat for breakfast to your most annoying
habit. Geminis are gossips and raconteurs and they love to keep
people updated on what is going on their latest soap opera.
Signed Up:
Mar 23, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 876 · Topics: 65
In fact the number one reason that Geminis lose partners is because
they tend to give all of their power to their friends and not the
new relationship. This is because every Gemini believes that
friends last forever but lovers don't. This is why the friends
always get the priority. To keep a Gemini you have to be a lover
and a friend too!
If you want to impress a Gemini on a first date then go for
excitement. They love speed, adventure and the great outdoors. A
Gemini is exactly who you should be taking to an amusement park or
water park on a first date. It is a Gemini that is voted most
likely to hang upside down with you from a bungee cord.
They also love big parties and opportunities to social climb. Many
of them are addicted to culture and are happiest at the movies, the
theater or a book launch. If you know people in the arts you will
impress a Gemini.
If you want to bore a Gemini to death then ask him or her over to
dinner with just the two of you. Make a home cooked meal in an
apartment without any windows. He or she will feel completed
trapped and rather than succumb to any after dinner seduction ask
where the two of you are going next. The key is to keep the Gemini
on the move.
When it comes to giving a Gemini a gift they are very impressed by
anything that has a bit of a novelty or that is a gadget of some
kind such as a cell phone or kitchen appliance. They also love
unusual watches and clocks. If it lights up digitally somehow, a
Gemini will love it.
Gemini's also love to read books and watch movies so DVD's and any
type of literature is also an appropriate gift. Magazine
subscriptions are also the way to the Gemini heart.
Many of you who have crushes on this strange sign may be dismayed
to learn that even though they are very attractive and often dress
provocatively many are simply not that interested in sex. They like
the idea of sex and the flirting and witty conversation that
precedes it better than the actual act.
If you do manage to have sex with one of The Twins you will then be
presented with the challenge of keeping the relationship. One key
is to keep the relationship as formal and flirtatious as possible.
It also helps to keep a Gemini wondering about what may happen
next. A curious Gemini is a happy one!
Signed Up:
Mar 23, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 876 · Topics: 65
If you want to bond more closely with a Gemini or get him or her
alone then suggest a long adventure together. A Gemini loves
nothing more than to escape mundane reality by escaping an exotic
land. This way they can write about it or pretend to be somebody
Make sure that this is not a static holiday where the two of you
are trapped on some Caribbean compound with a golf course as the
Gemini will just interpret this as a prison sentence in the sun.
Make sure you are trekking through the wilderness, visiting ancient
mystical places or kayaking down a river.
Yet another secret to wooing a Gemini has to do with their personal
habits. Most of them are complete slobs. They have a file by pile
method of living. Many of them live "out of their bodies and in
their heads." If they see that you are at all willing to clean up
for them or hire a maid for them then that is usually what seals
the deal and delivers you into a long term relationship with this
However don't expect any nurturing back from a Gemini. Be prepared
to put up with dirty dishes and clothes thrown all over the place.
You may also be out of luck if you get sick. A Gemini does not have
one nurturing bone in his or her body and will move on!
In the next newsletter we will take a look at the challenges of
wooing a Cancer native.
Peace and light,
Signed Up:
Mar 23, 2008Comments: 0 · Posts: 876 · Topics: 65
I agree w/most of it myself, but, I am a caring person, too much so usually. I do LOVE sex, so that is just not true, but its not like I will have it w/just anyone either. I dont read books, and I do love romance and one on one time w/dinner at his place.......LOVE IT, I would rather do that once a week then a movie or outing to a club or sports, I see some differences but for the most part, I AM NAILED HERE..........
'This is because every Gemini believes that
friends last forever but lovers don't'
and this even goes to a point that when i meet a guy who is apsolutely awesome , i don't want to be with him , i just want to be friends!! lol
Signed Up:
Nov 10, 2008Comments: 585 · Posts: 4402 · Topics: 46
i about died laughing at the "hire a maid for them then that is usually what seals the deal"! most of it is true for me also. a few points were different. like, i'm, also, overly caring, i'm very nurturing, i love sex, and i've never ever slept around. also, my man is more important to me than my friends. after all, i will be spending the rest of my life with him, not my friends. he's my best friend, so i killed two birds with one stone anyway. also, i do keep some things between him and i and don't go blabbing it all to others. but all-in-all, it gave me a good laugh to read all the simularities i could identify with.
Very on point. The only thing I disagreed with was not being caring. I'm a very nurturing person, I just don't SAY very nurturing things. I don't really know what to say. I do caring things though lol. Actions speak louder than words there. It's the only topic that leaves me speechless. Everything else was so dead on I was cracking up while reading it.