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Aug 19, 2014Comments: 0 · Posts: 101 · Topics: 15
Fellow Gem's .... We all have that inner voice that pulls you from one thought to the next. Mind constantly changing, over analysing yourself, your situation, previous situations, current situations. Right now, I'm dating this incredible Aries. Things are going well, seeing, talking nothing bad at all .... I've dated some girls over the last year and after a 1-2 months it's gone wrong for whatever reason. But this is different thugs aren't going like that, yet I feel myself pulling away like expecting something ... Do you ever over analyse to the point where you force things maybe and then end up creating that situation? Right now it seems my inner voice is winning with what it's thinking and trying to tell me. I'm trying to just go with the flow but agggh ... And you see I'm creating something that isn't there and this will now probably come through!
I've dated an aries. Watch out she might try to control you later on in the relationship.. but it sounds like you have some battle going on within yourself..