This topic was created in the Gemini forum by glamazon on Thursday, April 25, 2013 and has 4 replies.
Well, I'm female, but I have gem venus, cancer mars... It's probably just the fascination/turn-on of the week. I'll cycle through moods/turn-ons like that.
But, you could also let him know that it bothered you... I wouldn't want to do anything that would make my s/o uncomfortable, and would like it if they let me know. He might already have an idea, tho, of you gave him the "I don't like that" signal. I, myself, tend to read the signals of my s/o. Hope that helps! smile
Lady he is a Geminine he craves for stimulation of mind and body and loves variety that brings you surprises even in the bedroom. So nothing to worry about, just enjoy each moment and you wont be disappointed.
Rough and it was hot
I'm also a Gem with Venus Gem. I like to try out all sorts of things, depending in my mood at the moment. I agree that he was probably just experimenting with that side of himself, and that you should just tell him you enjoy other things more. It should only be a problem if being rough is how he most likes to express himself, and he was holding back before. Otherwise, Gems are happy to be accommodating.