Boredom: What do you do to prevent it/reverse it ?

This topic was created in the Gemini forum by a4_gemini on Friday, April 20, 2007 and has 3 replies.
"WhEN mE CaN'T gO NiGhT-nIGht Or BoREd w/ My ToyZ..uNliKe ThE SlEepErS, mE:.."
1.) DiRtY uP HoUSe, sO RE-cLeAniNG wILl BuSy Me.
2.) SPRiNkLe WAtEr oN wIfE'S fAcE To...mE DOn'T kNOw...aNnOy?
3.) tExT-MEsSaGe/e-MaIl fRiENds, FaMIly, NeIGhBoRs, eTc. B.s
4.) COOk..WeLl..MICROWAVE fOoD.(Me MAde 2 BOxeS Of bROwNiES & NoODlEs..DoN'T hATe).
5.) wAKe-Up dOGs To gO fOR A wALk, BaTHe, CLiPpiNg, ETc.
6.) TAKe My tIMe ON DXpNeT.
7.) WaSh mY cAR.
8.) IrON sOCks, UnDEr-gARMeNts, aND....WhAt-eVEr MaTErIAls mE FiNd.
9.) RE-arRaNgE fURnItURe/APpLiAnCEs.
10.) mESs-Up WiFE's hAIr (
I can't handle being bored..
Get on the phone...
clean.. over and over again
play my video game.. online so i get to verbally communicate..LOL AKA talk shit
Bug my brother
kick my cat.. hahah just kidding!!!
Emotions are not always a good way to find solution for boredome. Yes, visiting friends, playing computer games might look like solution for boredome, but in a long run they fail. What I did understand so far about boredome is that happiness lies not in what you know but in what you dont know. Granting that nature of things, and more importantly not giving up on this belief (not belief is much more important than short outcomes) always bring you to right least eventually.
It's a great courage to face with your weakness.