Confused Gemini...

This topic was created in the Gemini forum by Geminiinphilly on Thursday, December 17, 2015 and has 3 replies.
I've been seeing this Aqua man off and on since June. He's nice, very mentally stimulating and the sex is great. He's 24yrs old and I'm 33yrs old. I like him a lot but he recently told me that he just wants to be friends with no sex. Well two days after that we had sex. Multiple times. Then, he went silent for a day, then text me saying he needs space. I'm confused. He constantly makes remarks about my other male friends and still calls me babe. When I try to stop contacting him, he keeps contacting me. I even said some nasty things to him just to piss him off enough to just leave me alone. But, he says that stuff doesn't bother him, it just amuses him. Why am I so entertaining to this dude? And, how does he really feel about me? He has said he loved me multiple times. Not "in love" with me. Please help if you can. My friends and family are sick of me talking about this guy now lol
I married an aqua.... but by no means, does that make me an expert. You will probably have better luck on the aqua board.

That being said, given his age, there might be a maturity issue, or maybe he's just as confused as you... Maybe, he doesn't know what he wants yet. Most aquas I know at that age do not want commitment, to be tied down. He might not be ready for anything serious yet.
Yeah, I guess that's what it is. I'm just content with enjoying him in the moments that I have him in my presence.I usually just let him come back to me and we end up having a great time. I'm just gonna let him do him and continue on this rollercoaster ride for now lol Thanks for the advice! ☺