I'm not sure if this is just me but, usually I can tell within the first minute of meeting/conversing with someone if I'm into them or not.
I'm definitely a personality over looks kind of person too.
This guy I knew from another social networking site added me on Facebook the other day (I don't accept just anyone/decline a lot of people) and he messaged me starting a conversation. I hadn't really payed attention to him before but after actually speaking I realised how much I liked him personality wise.
We kinda flirted a little bit (pg rated stuff, which I dig) but he was drunk at the time.
It's been like two days and we haven't really spoken and it's driving me crazy.
Do we Gems usually move so fast? It's not that I do this a lot, just that I'm so fussy I don't usually like people a great deal so the fact I like him is really exciting.
I feel like a crazy person but a million thoughts are going through my mind and I can't seem to shut them up!
Also does anyone else have 'obsessive' tendencies, where you get infatuated with a person?
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Oct 04, 2011Comments: 267 · Posts: 3037 · Topics: 43
No you're not crazy. It's just how we are. I get the same exact way. Do you know his placements and yours by any chance? You know what's funny? I've only met ONE Taurus guy and he's really cool. Most of the Taurus people I know are females. Like my mom and a girl I was really good friends with in HS.
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Oct 04, 2011Comments: 267 · Posts: 3037 · Topics: 43
Aqua's? My first relationship was with one when I was 16, we are still really good friends. He's a nice guy just strange sometimes. The girls that I know none of them make commitments. They are worse than we are as far as being flighty.
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May 28, 2009Comments: 0 · Posts: 134 · Topics: 12
Sun= gem
Moon= Taur
Mercury= gem
i have the same,,and aqua ascendant...
I like tauruses they are usually really dirty =) but i always get bored of them so i cant mantain any intrest in them.