Deep, introspective moods?

This topic was created in the Gemini forum by Agentgem24 on Tuesday, July 30, 2013 and has 10 replies.
Just wondering what my fellow geminis think about this.
As we all know, most of us are quite talkative. However I can go into moods where I am glued to my personal media but become annoyed if someone from the outside world tries to initiate contact with me. I come off aloof/cold at times but my little finger is typing away as I exchange meme after meme with friends and pour my heart out, expressing my every concern to them.
I've had multiple people ask me what is wrong with me today because I've been really quiet I guess and become defensive when asked what the deal is. Are we not capable of quietly brooding without people we work with/live with asking us 50 questions on why we are being quiet and introspective?
Sometimes I go through really deep moods and throw myself into my writing and music etc and don't want to be bothered by people, but I always am in the mood to text etc.
Is it just me?
I don't think it's a problem limited to Gems, I find air dominant people are prone to this problem even myself at times but it's as you said I'd literally throw myself into something creative as an outlet and after that it's like nothing ever happened!
Posted by CluelessCancer
I would never equate..DEEP or Introspective with GEMINI.

They might not seem deep to you purely because their way of communicating it is different but rest assured they have quite a lot to offer on that front.
Well both my cancer and mars are in Cancer. I'm a rising Aquarius but Pisces is in my 2nd house and my mid heaven is Scorpio.
I have a lot of Gemini traits but also a lot not...for ex, I like to commit and be exclusive early on when I find someone I like but I'm hot and cold and go back and fourth. I obsess and bug my friends with the, "I haven't heard from him in 2 hours!! Does he still like me?" Etc in the beginning. And needy, clingy, emotional, and hyper sensitive. I read way too much into what someone says sometimes and over analyze EVERYTHING! But occasionally I just have very quiet/deep in thought moods where I just nod or grunt when to respond to people lol
Meant to say venus is in cancer, not cancer in cancer. Derp.
Seriously...8 people asked me if I was okay. I counted. Reluctantly.
Posted by Agentgem24
Meant to say venus is in cancer, not cancer in cancer. Derp.

hah! I use to do this all the time. ARE YOU OKAY? WHY ARE YOU BEING QUIET!?
Though I noticed both you and TBC have cancer venus/mars and I can relate being another air with water venus/mars. Suffice to say some qualities is to wallow, I almost want to think at time amplified by the need to logically approach emotions.
Yeah I can def snap back! I get super emotional though and will come back with, "are you okay? Your texts are shorter" or, "why the "...."after a word?" With guys etc -.-
Yes I do--quite a bit. Thinking is an aphrodisiac to me--love it. So I like to be alone alot just to think. Must be all the water and air in my chart.
I'm the same way gem star. All I have is air/water and some earth in my chart. Literally, no fire.
Is is just me, or has anyone else been feeling "off" the past few days?

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