Posted by GemFallOut
I'd say no.... Only because I've dated another Gemini and have had guys under this sign as well come chasing after me the more I acted like I didn't want them.
The one I dated was by chance that we were friends before anything romantic entered the picture. We obviously didn't last, but he was one of my greatest relationships. Truly best friends who were in love.
Let them come to you and feel free to truly move how you wish without games. They will pick them up as well and two Geminis trying to outgame each other will get severely messy. Trust me. Just be you. It will be enough. Trust me.
Posted by GemFallOutWell ive had fleeting fancies and that's what i meant, and because I'm a gemini i know all of the things that give us away! So whenever I'm around him I never look at him, i avoid eye contact and I become a little more nervous ðŸ˜. My humour turns into out right flirting and whenever he tries to do something nice I'm instantly like, "nono its okay" because i to want to be nice 😠and to not take things for no reason. I frustrate my self to no ends.Posted by GemalitHonestly, I would play the friend card if I were you. That way that gives you time to actually feel him out a bit more. As a fellow Gemini, as much as I don't mind my whirlwind romances and tend to do that more often... I wish I could go back and redo that relationship as he was someone I had a solid friendship with first... with no motive. That made a for a relationship I haven't had the chance to have again. It's something different and precious.Posted by GemFallOut
I'd say no.... Only because I've dated another Gemini and have had guys under this sign as well come chasing after me the more I acted like I didn't want them.
The one I dated was by chance that we were friends before anything romantic entered the picture. We obviously didn't last, but he was one of my greatest relationships. Truly best friends who were in love.
Let them come to you and feel free to truly move how you wish without games. They will pick them up as well and two Geminis trying to outgame each other will get severely messy. Trust me. Just be you. It will be enough. Trust me.
See me playing no games would to seriously flirt or even message him something casual, however It would be really awkward if he caught on and it wasnt a mutual thing. I know he was interested once but geminis really dont tend to like someone for long 😅, so I'm unsure whether its still there or it was just a passing thing.
....things are always so complex, even when they seem simple 😥. I'll perhaps play it cool for a while and see if i pick up any more vibes and go from there 😅 .
As well, we can and we do tend to like people for long periods of times..... usually, the ones that we didn't do anything about or seem untouchable to us. We tend to get them stuck in us more than the ones who give themselves over on a platter. lol. You should know this. If you want to catch him.... honestly think about what catches you. Geminis tend to marry each other and haul it out to the long run because we get ourselves if noone else does..... he'll be a mirror to you in a weird way... even if you can't tell it on the surface. Don't think too much, just be... but don't act too out of reach that he never picks up signals as well.
lol, you're a Gemini, you know how to do this to expand