Posted by oldman
It has some thing to do with you Lol I mean your mercury/communication skills where are your mercury placements which sign ?
Posted by oldman
That's great Lol if you know your birth chart might you would able to learn some thing about it
Posted by oldman
You've got a sensitivity to criticism about how ideas are presented your mercury interweaves emotions with thoughts you can withdraw for a time when making a decision?? and a lack of routine upset you ,your also good to give advice when some body asks you
Your original question
Oh and I don't get along with female AT ALL!!
Because probably girls got different opinions most guys like to be listener just my two cents
Posted by BeaShine
Ok so basically , I'm a Gemini female who doesn't get along with other female signs.. Like for some reason they don't get me at all! I have nothing but male friends and but my best guy friends are Taurus, Aquarius, Virgo and Capricorn ... Oh and I don't get along with female Sags AT ALL!! We bump heads ALOT! What's up with that?
Does it have something to do with my Aquarius moon?