Gem Contradiction ?

This topic was created in the Gemini forum by BeaShine on Tuesday, October 29, 2013 and has 5 replies.
Ok so basically , I'm a Gemini female who doesn't get along with other female signs.. Like for some reason they don't get me at all! I have nothing but male friends and but my best guy friends are Taurus, Aquarius, Virgo and Capricorn ... Oh and I don't get along with female Sags AT ALL!! We bump heads ALOT! What's up with that?
Does it have something to do with my Aquarius moon?
Posted by oldman
It has some thing to do with you Lol I mean your mercury/communication skills where are your mercury placements which sign ?

I have no idea lol
Posted by oldman
That's great Lol if you know your birth chart might you would able to learn some thing about it

It's says my Mercury is Cancer lol
Posted by oldman
You've got a sensitivity to criticism about how ideas are presented your mercury interweaves emotions with thoughts you can withdraw for a time when making a decision?? and a lack of routine upset you ,your also good to give advice when some body asks you
Your original question
Oh and I don't get along with female AT ALL!!
Because probably girls got different opinions most guys like to be listener just my two cents

That actually makes a lot of sense!!! Thank you smile
Posted by BeaShine
Ok so basically , I'm a Gemini female who doesn't get along with other female signs.. Like for some reason they don't get me at all! I have nothing but male friends and but my best guy friends are Taurus, Aquarius, Virgo and Capricorn ... Oh and I don't get along with female Sags AT ALL!! We bump heads ALOT! What's up with that?
Does it have something to do with my Aquarius moon?

I have ONE female best friend. we go back to HS days, and she is a Godparent of one of my boys. Otherwise, I've always related better with guys. I had a lot of guy friends in HS, probably has something to do with loving and playing sports. I feel more at ease around guys. They usually don't get into the cat fight crap. I loath gossip. And what I love about men is that usually when they say something, they mean it. It's hard for us women to accept that because it's too easy and not complicated.
I'm a very competitive person too. I have no doubt this is threatening to most women i interact with. Men, OTOH, embrace my competitive spirit. I've found that guys think it's cute to lose to a woman, but not in front of one of their buddies.