Gemini and Libra?

This topic was created in the Gemini and Libra Compatibility forum by sexysiren on Thursday, August 2, 2007 and has 4 replies.
I am a libra woman dating a Gemini man for the past 4 almost 5 months. He gets mad when I dont answer my phone, he gets mad if I dont answer a question. I ususally will say "Let me think about it and get back 2 u". He says " if u care about me the way u say u do it shouldnt take u long to think about it". One miniute its I miss u, the next its best wishes take care. Im confused!
Ive learned to give him what he gives me and he cant handle that....he gets mad!
Thanks Moro, I understand that completely but its not like I dont answer my phone on purpose, I may b in another room, or just not hear the phone ring. He is the one who told me if I need time to answer his question to just tell him I cant answer the question at that time.
Plus, he has long relationship talks with me, about kids, if we had a child together and we broke up he wants the child to live with him, but he thinks we would stay together, and how he wants everything to be right when he gets married. If im willing to move to another state. If I would be able to help with the mortgage if a tenant cant pay for that month. Then he says, u want to be my room mate?, U should move in with me.
He keeps refering to the song "teach me" by Musiq Soul Child. He's like im trying and u dont think I care or even try. So take care and best wishes.I never said that. All I said was show me how u feel about me. And at the same time he says I miss u.
Whats a girl to do?
The problem with you not answering right away is this... we are founded on COMMUNICATION. We have to be able to talk.. and express... get in your head... figure things out. IF you don't answer when we ask things, we come up with our own conclusions. Usually not ones you would like us to think. If i was with or interested in someone and we are having a heart to heart, or whatever it is we are talking about and he tells me he has to get back to me, LOL the outcome of that comment wouldn't be too good. I need someone quick thinking and not scared to let me know what's going on. If he needs to think about it, well, i'm sorry.. i don't get that. If they have to think about how they feel about me prior to telling me, then you don't like me how i want or need so i would move on... let him think about it till the cows come home. That's just me. I know Gem dudes are a lil different then us females, but i understand him getting frustrated if he asks you about your feelings and you tell him you'll get back to him. To me it's easy.

The answering of the phone.. well he sounds a tad bit too demanding. It's like a game he's playing. most people in general know and understand, you just might not always be able to answer your phone. and to get mad about it.. that's immature. Life is life and we get busy or whatever. That's a flag to me, i'd run. lol but that's just me. I don't do well with control freaks.
I hear u Grl but the questions usually has nothing to do with my feelings..I can answer those with no problem cause I now how I fee. His questions are like..why didnt u call me when u got off work. I give him an answer and ofcourse he doesnt like it, or probably doesnt believe it, so he will ask a question about my answer.