Gemini dominant people and neurological disorders

This topic was created in the Gemini forum by RamOfPeace on Wednesday, December 30, 2015 and has 15 replies.
Any thoughts on this?

I personally know that I can get very jittery, nervously anxious/anticipating, and be a victim of internalized mini mental breakdowns (Gem Moon and Mars in 12th - few people see/notice it).

Gem I'm currently seeing suffers from nocturnal bruxism, cause of which is largely unknown, but often tied to nervousness and stress in life.

Both our cases have Mercury as chart ruler.

Any feedback from Gems/Gem dominants here?
I'm sorry for your loss, fellow Ram Sad
Posted by Koniucha
My daughter is ruled by Mercury. She also has Uranus in her 3rd house. And Mars in Gemini.

I will say this about her. She can talk. And talk and talk. I have to tell her to take a break sometimes or she won't finish what she is doing. She has unlimited energy also. It is crazy. Always moving and if she is sitting, a leg is moving. She gets anxious sometimes too.

That's been my bad habit since I could put one leg on another. Takes conscuous effort over the mind not to do it in public places and at meetings.
Posted by Koniucha
My daughter is ruled by Mercury. She also has Uranus in her 3rd house. And Mars in Gemini.

I will say this about her. She can talk. And talk and talk. I have to tell her to take a break sometimes or she won't finish what she is doing. She has unlimited energy also. It is crazy. Always moving and if she is sitting, a leg is moving. She gets anxious sometimes too.

She sounds like me. I talk myself dizzy. I think some of your previous posts about your daughter I have commented that it sounded just like me too haha.

I don't have anxiety but I do have nervous energy. Regarding the respiratory thing, I have a weak immune system and had asthma as a kid, but I don't really notice any lung problems anymore.
Since I'm a Lunar Gem, I have a lot of internal conversations going on at any moment unless I am asleep. And in order for me to initially fall asleep, I usually blast the thoughts out with good 30 mon of listening to music. Or on some nights, with a drink or two.

Posted by FyzaGems
Exactly! Thank God! I thought I was the only one having all these syndromes. I almost thought I'm going insane. Insomnia has also become a good friend of mine and it got me even had to live my life with those anxiety and panick attacks.

There were days when my heart beats very fast and I simply can't sit still. Xanax was then introduced to me and since then has remained to be the only 'friend' I turned to.

It's super annoying 😡😡

Now where do I start? LOL
All of it plus some. Since I can remember myself.
Xanax saves me. I can't be not to worry ever!
Also can't even relax while having sex unless drunk like a skunk.
It IS super annoying...Sad

But I am sure all Xanax-taker and anxious people are Geminis.
Posted by FyzaGems
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by FyzaGems
Exactly! Thank God! I thought I was the only one having all these syndromes. I almost thought I'm going insane. Insomnia has also become a good friend of mine and it got me even had to live my life with those anxiety and panick attacks.

There were days when my heart beats very fast and I simply can't sit still. Xanax was then introduced to me and since then has remained to be the only 'friend' I turned to.

It's super annoying 😡😡

Now where do I start? LOL
All of it plus some. Since I can remember myself.
Xanax saves me. I can't be not to worry ever!
Also can't even relax while having sex unless drunk like a skunk.
It IS super annoying...Sad

But I am sure all Xanax-taker and anxious people are Geminis.

OMG! I can literally feel u! LMAO! I am sure xanax-taker and anxious people are mostly the Geminis. It really gets me on my nerves and sometimes drives me mad!

Why oh why mercury...why do u have to do this to us? 😭😭😭😭
click to expand

Is there study that says it is mostly Geminis? Geez! why???
Posted by FyzaGems
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by FyzaGems
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by FyzaGems
Exactly! Thank God! I thought I was the only one having all these syndromes. I almost thought I'm going insane. Insomnia has also become a good friend of mine and it got me even had to live my life with those anxiety and panick attacks.

There were days when my heart beats very fast and I simply can't sit still. Xanax was then introduced to me and since then has remained to be the only 'friend' I turned to.

It's super annoying 😡😡

Now where do I start? LOL
All of it plus some. Since I can remember myself.
Xanax saves me. I can't be not to worry ever!
Also can't even relax while having sex unless drunk like a skunk.
It IS super annoying...Sad

But I am sure all Xanax-taker and anxious people are Geminis.

OMG! I can literally feel u! LMAO! I am sure xanax-taker and anxious people are mostly the Geminis. It really gets me on my nerves and sometimes drives me mad!

Why oh why mercury...why do u have to do this to us? 😭😭😭😭

Is there study that says it is mostly Geminis? Geez! why???

Think u should read the OP post and click on the link. It must be the Mercury. LMAO! I'm still lucky I have my moon and AC in leo else I will already be in an asylum by now. 😂😂😂😂
click to expand

I have a stellium (moon, asc, mars) and Merc ad chart ruler, and I'm running wild and free Tongue
i am a gemini and i have a neuro-cardio condition. my vagus nerves are weak. also, i was diagnosed with clinical depression.
Posted by RamOfPeace
Posted by FyzaGems
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by FyzaGems
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by FyzaGems
Exactly! Thank God! I thought I was the only one having all these syndromes. I almost thought I'm going insane. Insomnia has also become a good friend of mine and it got me even had to live my life with those anxiety and panick attacks.

There were days when my heart beats very fast and I simply can't sit still. Xanax was then introduced to me and since then has remained to be the only 'friend' I turned to.

It's super annoying 😡😡

Now where do I start? LOL
All of it plus some. Since I can remember myself.
Xanax saves me. I can't be not to worry ever!
Also can't even relax while having sex unless drunk like a skunk.
It IS super annoying...Sad

But I am sure all Xanax-taker and anxious people are Geminis.

OMG! I can literally feel u! LMAO! I am sure xanax-taker and anxious people are mostly the Geminis. It really gets me on my nerves and sometimes drives me mad!

Why oh why mercury...why do u have to do this to us? 😭😭😭😭

Is there study that says it is mostly Geminis? Geez! why???

Think u should read the OP post and click on the link. It must be the Mercury. LMAO! I'm still lucky I have my moon and AC in leo else I will already be in an asylum by now. 😂😂😂😂

I have a stellium (moon, asc, mars) and Merc ad chart ruler, and I'm running wild and free Tongue
click to expand

i have insomnia as well which worsens my already weak vagus nerves. i was prescribed cannabis oil but it made me sleep for 10 hours so i seldom take it. i'm an artist so when an inspiration comes, i don't sleep on it. i feel guilty when i do LOL. plus i value my time so much. i have an obsession of calculating what i do in a day.
I have major anxiety issues to the point of being a recovering agoraphobe and serious blood pressure issues. I'm also on medication to slow my heart cuz it pounds so hard and fast. The insomnia alone is enough to drive a person mad. I sleep 3 to 4 hrs at a time....
Posted by FyzaGems
Posted by RamOfPeace
Posted by FyzaGems
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by FyzaGems
Posted by Gemitati
Posted by FyzaGems
Exactly! Thank God! I thought I was the only one having all these syndromes. I almost thought I'm going insane. Insomnia has also become a good friend of mine and it got me even had to live my life with those anxiety and panick attacks.

There were days when my heart beats very fast and I simply can't sit still. Xanax was then introduced to me and since then has remained to be the only 'friend' I turned to.

It's super annoying 😡😡

Now where do I start? LOL
All of it plus some. Since I can remember myself.
Xanax saves me. I can't be not to worry ever!
Also can't even relax while having sex unless drunk like a skunk.
It IS super annoying...Sad

But I am sure all Xanax-taker and anxious people are Geminis.

OMG! I can literally feel u! LMAO! I am sure xanax-taker and anxious people are mostly the Geminis. It really gets me on my nerves and sometimes drives me mad!

Why oh why mercury...why do u have to do this to us? 😭😭😭😭

Is there study that says it is mostly Geminis? Geez! why???

Think u should read the OP post and click on the link. It must be the Mercury. LMAO! I'm still lucky I have my moon and AC in leo else I will already be in an asylum by now. 😂😂😂😂

I have a stellium (moon, asc, mars) and Merc ad chart ruler, and I'm running wild and free Tongue

U reach there soon honey..don't worry 😜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜ðŸ˜
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My ex was a gem and has schizoaffective disorder. Changeable moods, nervousness, and the ability to talk to 50 people at once on twitter, skype and youtube- all whilst trying to maintain a family with me and our son.

My Sun is in Gemini and I have Gemini in my 8th house.

I can, and have, worried myself sick.

I fret about things that I know I shouldn't worry about simply because I can't get my brain to change the channel, as I call it.
Posted by blackphase
Posted by Pandala
My Sun is in Gemini and I have Gemini in my 8th house.

I can, and have, worried myself sick.

I fret about things that I know I shouldn't worry about simply because I can't get my brain to change the channel, as I call it.

I understand this one completely.
click to expand

Same. But when they told you 'don't worry, think positive...' I am always seething like
YEAH if I could I would not because I like to be like that! With the nut of nerves at my
throat all the time!!! I am loving it!!!

But isn't there cure for us like therapy or something?
I am lately started to go to church. Doesn't matter which one.
Just to ask God to change me and to give me strength.
I am feeling like it might going to work. Will report back.