How do you deal with your male counterpart checking out other women in your presence?
Ditto, I find it annoying and disrespectful as well. And I'm a confident woman!
Oldman, what??
I'm looking for any strategies that you have tried and have worked to stop a man from glancing at other women when theyre out with you
Well so far so good on all things you mentioned geminicanlde, we're pretty serious, going on 1 year relationship now. I don't do scenes or drama, I'm too indifferent. Also I get that most people look at other attractive folks in the room or wherever, especially men. And my Aqua isn't the gross pervy kind that stares with his mouth open. He does however discreetly turn his eyes, head or entire body when he notices pretty much EVERY long dark haired woman anywhere we;ve ever been. It never used to bother me until I called him on it yesterday and he denied it... It's driving me crazy. I can't figure out if I should bring it up again when it happens, because it will! Or if I should just pretend to notice some hot guy or flirt with the waiter or smth and deny it.. It sounds childish I know. But I want to do smth to make him stop!
He constantly tells me how beautiful I am btw and how fabulous I look when we go out etc , and I know hes wildly attracted to me. I KNOW I have nothing to worry about . Unfortunately it doesnt make me feel any better at the moment when hes glancing at the next hot girl across the room.
pretty much any good looking women but especially every single long dark haired woman.. I also have long dark hair btw
I have dark long curly hair and I have no issue with my looks. I just feel like it's emotionally and morally wrong. I know other guys stare at me and so does he, but I find it disrespectful to glance back when I'm with my partner. Honestly he can look all he wants when hes with his buddies or alone. I just need him to stop when hes with me. I want to feel like i have his attention at all times.
The reason catch him checking out other women is because I'm always checking him out!
No I don't think I am.. I just demand respect. Btw I don't see my bf 24/7. We see each other twice weekly
Guys I get it, no harm if hes just looking. And I relaize that most people are okay with this. Im just not. So my quesition here was only how to stop it from happening not if it should bother me or not, because it just does. I'm not going to give him ultimatums because I love the guy and it's not a reason to lose a loving relationship right away, but I will just try talking about it again I guess and hope for the best sighhhhh
oh and Im in my mid 20s and hes in his mid 30s.
Thanks for your thoughts! xo
Signed Up:
May 02, 2012Comments: 11 · Posts: 1836 · Topics: 72
You have listed every possible strategy that you could use. A man in his mid thirties is not likely to change his behavior. There really isn't anything you can do. You have already stated you aren't going anywhere so.....
It could be worse. He could be looking at other men.
Signed Up:
Jan 12, 2012Comments: 34 · Posts: 1132 · Topics: 27
Looking is fine...if he starts to stare (as in following her everywhere she goes with his eyes) that's rude. I'd say something then.
Signed Up:
Apr 10, 2013Comments: 0 · Posts: 159 · Topics: 27
Maybe you could do the same? He's not the only one who got eyes. I know it's mean, but when my looks at other chicks, I look at other guys. Fair enough.
Maybelle, I didn't want to bring myself to do that but I might have to try it to give him a taste of his own medicine. Let's see if it works!
I'm not sure about that. This is not my first serious relationship and not ever have i had a control or possession or jealousy problem with any of my exes. Also, none of exes have ever done that in front of me more than once or twice..
Every time a woman has a concern about her relationship or her man someone is ready to blame her about being controlling, or jealous or possessive or desperate and on and on. come on people...
tw1nk1e, tell me which moon or sun sign doesn't want their partner's attention """when they have feelings"""
A glance or casual look is no biggie. I am capable of appreciating the good looks of a guy OR girl within the time frame of a casual glance.
However, if he stares, turns his head to continue watching her, or drool forms from his mouth, we are gonna have a major issue. Matter of fact, if any of those things happened (stares, head turning, drooling), I'd approach her myself & ask for her number for my newly single friend...just to prove a point.
It isn't about jealousy, it's about not being disrespected. It IS disrespectful to check out another person when your with someone.
That should be common sense.