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Mar 06, 2017Comments: 1 · Posts: 208 · Topics: 19
hello my gems,
so my best friend is seeing a gemini man.with taurus moon.mercury in taurus and venus in taurus.shes is a taurus woman
the issue is that his ex is still present in his life .he send her money each month for his son and everytime he doesnt send money she doesnt answer the phone or she wont let him talk to his all the rage he projects it on my friend.he would fight with her over past stuffs or silly friend is with him for 7 months now.
Nowadays he critisize her(my friend) like why are talking to this guy.or why dont u call as much or why with others you have conversations but with me u dont......
its a never ending thing.but at same time he flirts with girls .just today a girl that seems interested in him asked for his number and he gave it to her infront of my friend which crushed her.i dont know what to say to help her.can u guys give me some insights?
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Oct 21, 2015Comments: 11066 · Posts: 36034 · Topics: 110
Flirting is one thing. Actually taking a number is a whole nother level of disrespectful.
This is exactly what my Gem did to me. He was engaged but his ex fiancé broke the engagement. He started flirting with other girls including me. Last Friday, I saw someone who looked like his ex fiancé got into the same car he had. He has been ignoring me ever since. I guess time for me to move on... does Gem forgive that easily? Just curious.