Gemini man description

This topic was created in the Gemini forum by camim20 on Wednesday, February 12, 2014 and has 3 replies.
I found this astrology website and I think their description of the gemini is extremely accurate. So I'll post the link below so you geminis can tell me if it is true or not. Even though it is about the gemini man, I think many things apply to gemini woman as well.

What do you think? Do you gems act like this? I got to tell that the gemini sun sign is very very itnriguing to me
This part should be memorized by anyone who deals with a Gem:
"Loving a Gemini is easy and fun, if you don't try to get too close. There's a inner core that belongs only to him, that he'll never share with another human being, even you. Keep things cool and light, and don't be overly passionate or dramatic. Don't bore him, always excite him and your Gemini romance can be very special. Don't rebel against his changeability. Change with him. Be as alert and inter?_ested in life as he is. Otherwise, the love affair could become just one of those things. He seeks a mental com?_panion above all else. One who can match his wits, even top him now and then, because he's not an egotist. He's a realist, and he thrives on mental challenge. The last thing he wants is a doormat or a dull mouse. Let your brain show through, your feminine image. It won't scare him off, as it might some men. It will spin him around in the right direction-toward you."