Posted by Gooober
Seems like hes only looking one thing and wants fast results. In my experience, they prefer to talk on the phone instead of texting but if they really like/respect you, theyll respect your wishes and eventually try and compromise with you.
Posted by Lust
Oh Shiit, run!! He sounds like that type of pastor who wants sister wifes.
Posted by Gooober
Seems like hes only looking one thing and wants fast results. In my experience, they prefer to talk on the phone instead of texting but if they really like/respect you, theyll respect your wishes and eventually try and compromise with you.
Posted by littlemegabyte
That's basic behavior for a man on a dating website.
Posted by littlemegabyte
That's basic behavior for a man on a dating website.
Posted by exxtasyx
We're Gemini's. You think he's hot, he thinks you're hot. What's the problem? He doesn't want to waste time. He wants to meet up. This isn't some dramatic movie were you email eachother back and forth and fall in love with stupid heart-warming emails. It's really simple and easy for him. He's probably thinking "we're both interested in eachother, let's just meet up and see where things go." Gemini's tend to be very up-front and know what they want. If you're not willing to meet up, he'll move on.
Posted by Shrewdsharp
A very good-looking Gemini man responded to my ad on a dating site. He favored me, and wrote am email that read " I just wanted to stop by to say You are gorgeous." I replied your pictures render me speechless. So much so I think you are a catfish." He promptly responded and requested my email so he could send additional pictures. Well I didn't feel comfortable with giving him my email. Quite frankly I was quite smitten and was overwhelmed with his beauty and presence. I needed a couple of days just to take him in.
He however demanded we speak offline, immediately! He left me his number and basically said he wasn't willing to answer any more emails. He said " I am on a dating site to meet people not email people." His attitude turned me off. I asked him for a little more time before we talk. He was not having it! He un favored me didn't respond to my emails today. My question 1) Why couldn't he respect my need for space and continue to email me? 2) Why is he moving so lightening fast? 3) Do you think he will respond to my email from the dating site if I don't call him, or not?
Posted by Lust
Oh Shiit, run!! He sounds like that type of pastor who wants sister wifes.
Posted by candyclouds
yep thats very typical , its what men do on online dating websites, because most of the women are fake, or just want to chat and chat and waste their precious time!
How does he know this ? Because he has sent that exact message to , I don't know, 100s of other girls !!! He is in the 'number collecting phase'
So yeah, he has seen so many fake women on the internet that he needs proof that you are real and that you really would meet him in real life.
Please don't take online dating seriously. Of course you can meet people but just buy into their bullshit until you're really dating and he says he wants to be exclusive, very serious, and shows actions that prove this.
Otherwise, it's just a game to men, and even if they liked you in real life, its so hard for them to give up on the 100s of other girls they have added on their phone, instagram etc
If you are so shocked by how gorgeous his photos look that you have to take a few days to believe this, YOU ARE NOT READY FOR ONLINE DATING AT ALL !![]()
It's a platform full of lies and rudeness. Just beware. And no matter how he says he's looking for a wife or a long term relationship, keep in mind that its probably not going to be you.. sorry but especially if he is one of the more good-looking guys on the website, he is probably very spoiled and selfish and greedy.
So while its very very easy to meet with and have sex with guys from these sites, the probability of it turning into something serious is very very low.
Posted by ShrewdsharpPosted by Gooober
Seems like hes only looking one thing and wants fast results. In my experience, they prefer to talk on the phone instead of texting but if they really like/respect you, theyll respect your wishes and eventually try and compromise with you.
That is precisely how I feel. An ex pastor can't be patient? He has written 5 books on Jesus and love and he can't be patient?click to expand
Posted by littlemegabytePosted by ShrewdsharpPosted by littlemegabyte
That's basic behavior for a man on a dating website.
Yeah you're right.
I always thought the instant aggressively demanding of phone numbers was so bizarre and inappropriate. Like often times that's the conversation opener? I always want to ask if they have something wrong with them. "Hey wanna text?" Uhh no I actually don't you freaking weirdo lol, I've never spoke to you about anything in my life and I don't really want dating site rando's to have my phone number?? I have also learned that those are typically the more posterboy conventionally "attractive" men on the site. Not worth it! Straight to expand