Gemini missing piece?

This topic was created in the Gemini forum by KillerGemini on Thursday, November 7, 2013 and has 14 replies.
Which sign do you think is a Geminis missing piece?
I've heard alot that Pisces are our other piece, because we're each others opposite.
What is your opinion? And who do you think is our "other half"?
Sorry, opposite as in, our personalities, emotions, ect. are different, but our differences are what make us so compatible or "complete".
My ex is a Gemini and Pieces women are the one that get under his skin and till this day owns his heart!!! Mind you they broke up years ago!! Everytime he will get drunk, he sometimes tell me he loves her and he doesn't know how to move on! I will say Pieces is the Gemini's kryptonite.
Pisces woman is a Gemini man's kryptonite.
Pisces man and Gemini woman... different.
Gemini men and women are really different.
Not our best match. Lets just leave it at that. I have never had a problem moving on from a Pisces.
Definitely not pisces.
Maybe Sag or Leo
I don't want to say Cancer. I hope to get over a Cancer soon...shouldn't be so hard, ya think?
Imo, I don't think our "other half" is out there in someone else's body, no matter what sign they are..... I believe we go thru this quest, searching and searching, only to find our "other half" is within ourselves.
Posted by SapphireGem

I totally agree. Virgo!
I met a guy he is gemini , im pisces with ascendant in sagittarius , we r just friends by now ...but what we discovered that we r too much alike about many things even the sex fantasies, open minded both, ...its that feeling u get like talking to urself or meeting ur "twin"..
Posted by Cappymappy

All the Cap males that I have run into are aloof. They don't like to be in social settings. GEMs have little tolerance for that.
im a gemini and my other half is a pisces. we argue constantly, but we are perfect for each other. lols
we live together and hes being cute next to me right now smile