Gemini - Monthly horoscope

This topic was created in the Gemini forum by Mystic Dreamer on Tuesday, November 11, 2008 and has 5 replies.
by Terry Nazon
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November 2008

Gemini: (May 21-Jun. 22): The month of November begins in a New Moon Cycle and change is on the horizon. The transits are so influential that things may never be the same again! After Mars leaves Scorpio on November 16th we will feel different and be different! By the end of November 2008 all the outer planets will be direct, ushering in a quickening of the pace. Hope about a recovery on all levels could be in the air. Pluto will leave the sign of Sagittarius for good, (well for a good long while), and the United States could have its 1st black president. With the election out of the way, the world can focus on the rebuilding and healing of the economic markets and mother earth.
Neptune the planet of illusions, ruler of the sign of Pisces and the 12th house goes direct. Our Illusions, delusions, complexes, evasive behavior, and not facing reality about ourselves and others surfaces now. Neptune takes us through this journey, if you are willing to go, where things are as we would like to imagine them to be, not how they are. Not everyone takes the same journey with Neptune, but, none the less, we witness it in others and in some strange way have to experience it anyways! As Neptune goes direct we see more clearly through the web of illusion. How did we not see that! How many times have you lost something only to find it in a right there where you already looked? It's not that what you were looking for moved, it's that you just didn't see it. With Neptune retrograde it's harder to see things that are right there in front of us. Even if we do see we may just lack the confidence to take action. Neptune also rules self sacrifice and self less service, and even that can go terribly wrong. If you give too much or give to the wrong people you end up being and feeling used. Very few of us are at the level of Mother Theresa and are able to live truly saintly and selfless lives! The planets now demand accountability and reality! How will you handle Neptune going direct? Will you suddenly wake up from a dream state, or become incredibly inspired to do some great creative works? In your solar 9th house of inspiration, teaching, learning, dreams and expanding you talents, you could find yourself inspired and believing in life once again.
On the other hand the 9th house the house of legalities and thinking that you are above the rules, regulations or even if you don't know the rules and regulations of where you live and travel to you could be in for quite a shock. Your blissful outlook or Pollyanna way of getting by could run into a road block of sorts. Pay attention to the rules of the road, the laws of where you live and visit as ignorance will not be accepted. Your eyes could be opened up to the truth and you could just have a certain intuition about deception and lies. Some of you may even find out that someone you like or love has been lying to you. Personal partnerships could benefit as you see that the grass really wasn't greener on the other side. A long talk is necessary to clear the air in marriages and partnerships alike.
The Saturn-Uranus opposition the 1st occurs on November 4th the day of the presidential elections. What does that mean for you personally though? The opposition is an aspect where the two sides have no common meeting ground. You'll here astrologers say it's the young (Uranus) against the old (Saturn) the new rebellion against the establishment, or new ideas conflicting with the established way of doing things. The last Saturn-Uranus oppositions were about 44 years ago, when the aspect was a little different then with Saturn in starry eyed Pisces and Uranus in down to earth Virgo. The generation that was young and created the rebellion in the 60's is now the older generation, the establishment. How far have we come, what have we become? Saturn is now in down to Earth Virgo and Uranus is in starry eyed Pisces, and demanding that the promises of the 60's, be kept. Demanding too, in an immediate way that the idealism, the spirituality and the movement of the 60's be reconciled.
In your solar 4th and 10th houses this tremendous energy affects home life, security, career and aspirations. Don't be afraid of taking on that big project, nothing great is achieved by doing nothing. Sure it will be hard but, it won't be a waste of time. This is the time to begin new career directions, when the energy is so bold.
Nov. 4 is the presidential Election Day for the United States, and the universe is abuzz, with the Moon in Capricorn, the sign of its detriment and we are all business, tense and very serious. The Moon enters Aquarius at about 7:01 Pm edt. Signifying major changes across the board!
No doubt it's a day to remember! Mercury sextiles Pluto, people will think it's their civic duty to vote and will be out in record numbers. Mars squares Neptune, suggests people could question the fairness of the election, and that some amount of fraud could be attempted. Saturn opposes Uranus indicating the established power will be overturned, and Mercury enters Scorpio, transformation, change and regenerative healing with a watchful eye! Mercury in Scorpio assures us the votes will be counted correctly!
Venus the planet of love enters Capricorn the Moon's detriment in your solar Venus in Capricorn will instill the desire to reconnect with the past or being out the desire for status and security. A past love, a more secure stable love or even an older love seems more likely under this Venus transit. In your solar your 8th house of joint finances, sex, intimacy, and the power of destruction and rebirth, the emphasis this month is on relationships, and significant others. You could go through extremes. From thinking a relationship or marriage is over and then it surprises you and is renewed again. This will be a month of extremes. Yet you can develop a deep respect and connection with the object of your desires. Love can be passionate and healing.
Nov.13 the Full Moon in Taurus at 21*, in your solar 12th house of secrets, sorrows, fears and finishing's. Keep your cool about finances and don't let irrational fears get the best of you. Mars the planet of action enters another fire sign, Sagittarius your solar 7th house of partnerships, marriage and conflicts. Be careful not to make mountains out of molehills or create conflicts where there are none. The Sun enters fun loving and philosophical Sagittarius and brightens your outlook about relationship and marriage, Passions can be aroused and love could be in the stars for you. You could be more focused on your lovers need rather your own. Mercury the planet of communications enters Sagittarius the sign of its detriment. Mercury is not supposed to be very strong here at all, or it could just indicate a need for more concentration and more deliberate action. You're popularity could soar in most cases and bring you lots of attention. Just make sure you don't gossip too much or make additional enemies. There could be trouble coming when you find out someone is gossiping about you.
Pluto re-enters Capricorn November 26th 2008 and were back to January 26, 2008 when Pluto first entered Capricorn, and we know what to expect! The 1st degrees of any Sun Signs, rising signs, or personal planets will feel the effects of the transforming planet Pluto first. Remember in the universe Pluto reminds us that we are mere mortals and there is something bigger and tougher than us out there. Pluto can represent all the psychic garbage from prior lifetimes that need to be gotten rid of. Pluto says this isn't going to wait for another life time, the time is now! Pluto can instill in us a strong urge for fighting for causes, defending those less fortunate, rallying against social injustices, and getting involved in worthwhile causes is what Pluto instills in us.
Being socially responsible is what Pluto in Capricorn is all about. In your solar 8th house of joint resources, joint finances, your partner's financial situation, banking and high finance you could enter into partnership that includes big business and lots of money!
Uranus the planet of upheaval goes direct in Pisces your solar Uranus is an air sign in the watery sign of Pisces and the thought of balmy beaches comes to mind when all is well. Uranus also rules electricity, lightening and very stormy weather so it's possible to see more unusual weather patterns wreaking havoc through February 2009. In your solar 10th house of career and business, no doubt things have changed for you and your ambitious pursuits. Accept and embrace the changes. Yes, there will be challenges, but there will be great successes too. Work hard through the challenges in order to come out on top!