Gemini woman and cancer man compatability

This topic was created in the Gemini forum by Inlovewithacancer on Thursday, September 5, 2013 and has 6 replies.
I'm in love with a cancer I'm wondering are we too different ? He makes me want to settle down and be a good woman then he flips the script I'm confused! Any other Gemini been with cancers?
Well I'm a Gemini guy and I have a cancer ex girlfriend that cheated on me and 5 years after that she still isn't over me.. One word and she would left her boyfriend for me. It's one of those cases where she only saw what she had after losing it. So cancer's for me it's a no-no. And it's not because of the cheating issue because most cancers don't cheat but because they tend to make some emotional blackmail and I can't support their jealousy.
Posted by nunogil
Well I'm a Gemini guy and I have a cancer ex girlfriend that cheated on me and 5 years after that she still isn't over me.. One word and she would left her boyfriend for me. It's one of those cases where she only saw what she had after losing it. So cancer's for me it's a no-no. And it's not because of the cheating issue because most cancers don't cheat but because they tend to make some emotional blackmail and I can't support their jealousy.

Well thanks for that I'm quickly growing tired of the inconsistent ways of this man just communicate with me and I'm good ! Communication is key and cheating is not an option when I'm faithful to you!
Posted by Inlovewithacancer
I'm in love with a cancer I'm wondering are we too different ? He makes me want to settle down and be a good woman then he flips the script I'm confused! Any other Gemini been with cancers?

I can tell you exactly what you're doing wrong or not doing at all that may cause him to act that way.
Posted by TrueCancerMale
Posted by Inlovewithacancer
I'm in love with a cancer I'm wondering are we too different ? He makes me want to settle down and be a good woman then he flips the script I'm confused! Any other Gemini been with cancers?

I can tell you exactly what you're doing wrong or not doing at all that may cause him to act that way.

SO...she's doing something wrong? Why would you assume that she is the culprit? I guess you missed the part about communication that she mentioned.
Posted by TrueCancerMale
It will take some time, patience and lots of understanding (basically COMMUNICATION!).
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Right, it's only the cancer that is all about communication and all that is good....well aren't some of you just full of yourselves. Of course cancers can never do anything wrong, so I'm guessing that there is only one way to do everything including how to express oneself. Lovely.
Posted by gemeliorist
Posted by TrueCancerMale
Posted by Inlovewithacancer
I'm in love with a cancer I'm wondering are we too different ? He makes me want to settle down and be a good woman then he flips the script I'm confused! Any other Gemini been with cancers?

I can tell you exactly what you're doing wrong or not doing at all that may cause him to act that way.

SO...she's doing something wrong? Why would you assume that she is the culprit? I guess you missed the part about communication that she mentioned.

Posted by TrueCancerMale
It will take some time, patience and lots of understanding (basically COMMUNICATION!).

Right, it's only the cancer that is all about communication and all that is good....well aren't some of you just full of yourselves. Of course cancers can never do anything wrong, so I'm guessing that there is only one way to do everything including how to express oneself. Lovely.
click to expand

(1) Weeeeelllll, I see you've missed some key words. She actually admitted to doing "something wrong" when she stated, "He makes me want to settle down and be a good woman..." Why make that statement if you're already a "good woman" who wants to "settle down." That statement alone means that she's misbehaving in some way or another and he makes her want to DO the "right thing(s)."
(2) Some Cancers honestly act like they can do no wrong and nothing is their fault, which is emotional immaturity at it's best. I know I've done my fair share of hurt, manipulation, and deceit (teenage years). I'm not happy about it but I've grown and learned from it to become a better person. Communication is a two-way street and you Gemini's are very open minded beings. Sometimes a bit too open minded though, because you contradict yourself quite often and it can become a problem. Stick to your word and don't let your twin sister change your mind. :-)