Gems that have dated Caps?

This topic was created in the Gemini forum by LadybugGem on Tuesday, February 3, 2009 and has 11 replies.
SO refreshing to finally find an amusing, active Gemini board! YES!
Gasp and poke fun fellow Gems, for I have just released myself from a year in Capricorn jail!
I know you are thinking, how....and why?! LOL! Well, I thought if anyone could tame me, it would be a boring 'ol Cap. Lemme tell you, the more he smothered me, the wilder I did become.
Just wondering if any other Gem has been sucked into a relationship with a Cap, and if so, anyone up for a little Capricorn man bashing? Because the quicksilver words barely restrained by my tongue are just dying to stab them!
I was married to a Cap for a few years, my sons dad, he is my WORST nightmare and ABUSER, I dont have a nice thing to say about him, but i dont relate his bad behavior to Caps, LOL!
i had a relationship with a cap for 3 years. lets just say it didn't go good at all during the whole 3 years.
what's important, is i learned a really good relationship lesson. smile
I can't relate to the Cap RELATIONSHIP, but I've been playing the do-si-do with one for THREE YEARS. I think I'm starting to see all the red flags I'll need to fly my ass away. This match is fun in the beginning... ohhh the beginning...
I'm so glad to see that I'm not the only one who had a bad experience with a cap.It was good in the beginning but the more he started to like me the less I was feeling him. He was sooooooooooooooooooooo boring. He made me want to run away from him. Like i just had to cut him off point blank. But they are sweet just not a good match for us gems thats all lol.
I am a capricorn female who is dating a Gemini man for going on 2 years now and it is hell on earth. So, just because you guys feel so good to say i'm free, don't think for a second that those Cap men don't feel the exact same way. Trust me you guys(Geminis) make us just as unhappy and disguisted if not more than you guys say we (capricorns) make yous. I don't think that love wise Geminis and Capricorns can appreciate each other's personalities among a million other things that in a loving relationship make us too different. Friendships are fine though. i will definantely run the next time I meet a Gemini man.
gem guys are not easy so you can either deal with them or not.....both sides
I am dating an older Cap. But he acts like a teenager sometimes while I am the mature one. He seems like he wants to be young with me. He can be a bit much for me at times. However, I like his dedication to things; I am learning that from him. He gives the best snuggles ( my cancer Venus). But when it comes to opinions and voicing them, Cap men have to learn, Gem women have the right to hold a difference of opinion from them.
I love Caps, my two best friends are Caps and my dh who passed was a Cap. Also, my two Cap friends are w/Gem men as well. They do a complicated dance...strong and solid enough for me to lean against them, yet not clingy at all. A perfect combination, IMO.
I'm sure my Gem ex-husband felt freedom when we split up too!!! lol!!!
Posted by LadybugGem
SO refreshing to finally find an amusing, active Gemini board! YES!
Gasp and poke fun fellow Gems, for I have just released myself from a year in Capricorn jail!
I know you are thinking, how....and why?! LOL! Well, I thought if anyone could tame me, it would be a boring 'ol Cap. Lemme tell you, the more he smothered me, the wilder I did become.
Just wondering if any other Gem has been sucked into a relationship with a Cap, and if so, anyone up for a little Capricorn man bashing? Because the quicksilver words barely restrained by my tongue are just dying to stab them!

No I usually figure out they're pretty boring in the beginning. I do have to admit that I'm secretly attracted to them for their sexiness.