Gems, what do you want for your BIRTHDAY??

This topic was created in the Gemini forum by Scorpio Chick on Tuesday, June 10, 2008 and has 14 replies.
What do ya want? What would make a great gift for you? What was the best gift you ever received? Do tell.
Ha I was just thinking about this the other day, what I was really expecting for my birthday, which was the other day. And I was really happy with two big ones. Firstly, Myspace comments. That sounds kinda silly but somthing about them really satisfied me! I guess the loving words or different happy pictures, it was great.
Secondly, someone got me just this big beach bag with a variety of different beach things... a big beach towel, flip flops, a skip it (haha, i'm such a kid i loved it), sun tan lotion, ect.
Yeah, those were two great ones.
This is the loot I'm giving my Gem (Her B-day is June 15th)
1. Computer Junk/Gadget - She's mentioned her computer is super slow so I researched her system and got some upgrades to spruce it up big time that I'm putting in myself. For some reason I dig building my chics computer rather than just buying a generic one from the store.
2. Big bag of candy - She loves Jelly Belly's so I went to the candy store and put in scoops of her favorite flavors in a bag.
3. DVD - New DVD that just came out for a movie she has wanted to see
4. Overly sappy letter of sweetness - TOTALLY cheezy letter with a list of small things that make her special to me.
So this is how I imagine it going on Sunday...
She'll open the bag of candy first and start nibbling.
She'll open the letter, give it a funny look, say "What the hell is this?!?!", throw it up in the air and tear into the rest of her gifts.
She'll run off to watch her movie with her bag of sweets while I'm left to fiddle with her computer.

a spa treatment
Aww Virgohero, those are great gifts for a gemini! Sounds like something any gemini girl would just love. Gosh now I want some jelly beans..
Oh and emerald.. a skip it? It's that toy you hook around one of your ankles and swing around it as you jump over it with the other leg. It can usually count how many times you were able to keep it swinging. Fun for a fun minutes, then you move on. smile
I would like to get cash!
My birthday passed, but I wanted...
1) A message from my Cap telling me happy birthday (he was upset with me last year this time and didn't tell me! Lol)
2) A fruity alcoholic drink (Since it was my 21st birthday)
3) A good cheese quesadilla
4) A Love It sized ice cream from Coldstone Creamery
5) Birthday wishes from all my close friends
And I'm glad to say that I got everything I wanted! :-P
Thanks Emerald! And I know huh! Well, I had two drinks! Strawberry lemonade martinis at McCormick & Schmicks. The first one was so tasty, I had to get another. But I stopped right there as my bday was on a Tuesday and I have to be up at 5 for work lol.
I know huh Emerald! Lol. If I want to do something, I'll do it. It's when I don't want to do something that I become erratic and all over the place lol. Self distraction.
Yeah we Geminis can be just about anything such as being an Indian and being the Govenor of Lousiana of all places > Bobby Zindal.
Or lex Luger for that matter.
Thanks m&m!
My GEM simply txt'd and said he wants "KITTY on a PLATTER"! Straight forward! Just as I expected!!! Gave me chills - GOOD ONES!
I'm jealous...But aint that like a leo.
OOO! I like the paintball and tennis racket(even though I've given up playing).