Posted by ZipZapZo0m
Thank you MissLyou're the bestest...
dont those over zealous advertisers create their own threads? why come and spoil the spirit of other threads with their harassment.
I'm gushin all over... beside myself with joy! festivities start 25th may in my neck of the woods n last till 2nd of june. We're plannnin to take off to Malaysia/Thailand post wedding for a week of lazing about.
Posted by SyzygyDresden
@ZipZapZoom -- Hehehe. She could be insinuating that you used Ancient Dr OLORUN ODUDUWA to cast a spell on your fiance!
Or she could be a spammer.
Posted by ianthepisces
Posted by misslissaPosted by ZipZapZo0m
Thank you MissLyou're the bestest...
dont those over zealous advertisers create their own threads? why come and spoil the spirit of other threads with their harassment.
I'm gushin all over... beside myself with joy! festivities start 25th may in my neck of the woods n last till 2nd of june. We're plannnin to take off to Malaysia/Thailand post wedding for a week of lazing about.
Yep, normally they do, but I guess your the lucky one. Lol! I don't think it ruins it. I just read like the first line and skipped over it! But, I understand what you mean.... "Go make your OWN THREAD!!" Lol!
Haha! That was going to be my next question.... Whether you would be able to go home and see family during your most fantastic milestone....Sounds like a fun and fabulous time!! I can't wait to hear most (not all lol) of the details when you are all done with your festivities. I like hearing/reading about far away places... Until I can travel to them myself! Lol!
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