Getting Married

This topic was created in the Gemini forum by ZipZapZo0m on Monday, May 6, 2013 and has 11 replies.
Yeppers dxsheeple. I'm going to be married to Mr.Scorp come this May 30th. We just had an engagement party this past weekend with friends and family, and the wedding date has been made official; cards are being sent out to kith and kin, calls to friends to keep their day free then... thought I'd share with you guys on here too smile
Thank you!
and btw what bullshit is the previous post
Looks like someones desperate attempt to advertise. Lol!

Again, congrats Zip! I am still extremely happy for you!
Thank you MissL smilesmile you're the bestest...
dont those over zealous advertisers create their own threads? why come and spoil the spirit of other threads with their harassment.
I'm gushin all over... beside myself with joy! festivities start 25th may in my neck of the woods n last till 2nd of june. We're plannnin to take off to Malaysia/Thailand post wedding for a week of lazing about.
Posted by ZipZapZo0m
Thank you MissL smilesmile you're the bestest...
dont those over zealous advertisers create their own threads? why come and spoil the spirit of other threads with their harassment.
I'm gushin all over... beside myself with joy! festivities start 25th may in my neck of the woods n last till 2nd of june. We're plannnin to take off to Malaysia/Thailand post wedding for a week of lazing about.

Yep, normally they do, but I guess your the lucky one. Lol! I don't think it ruins it. I just read like the first line and skipped over it! But, I understand what you mean.... "Go make your OWN THREAD!!" Lol!
Haha! That was going to be my next question.... Whether you would be able to go home and see family during your most fantastic milestone.... smile Sounds like a fun and fabulous time!! I can't wait to hear most (not all lol) of the details when you are all done with your festivities. I like hearing/reading about far away places... Until I can travel to them myself! Lol! Big Grin
Posted by SyzygyDresden
@ZipZapZoom -- Hehehe. She could be insinuating that you used Ancient Dr OLORUN ODUDUWA to cast a spell on your fiance!
Or she could be a spammer.

yeah right, as if spells would work on a scorp *rolls eyes*, especially this one... he'll chew the living brains right out of a dead animal :p
Posted by ianthepisces

what?! no congratulations?
Posted by misslissa
Posted by ZipZapZo0m
Thank you MissL smilesmile you're the bestest...
dont those over zealous advertisers create their own threads? why come and spoil the spirit of other threads with their harassment.
I'm gushin all over... beside myself with joy! festivities start 25th may in my neck of the woods n last till 2nd of june. We're plannnin to take off to Malaysia/Thailand post wedding for a week of lazing about.

Yep, normally they do, but I guess your the lucky one. Lol! I don't think it ruins it. I just read like the first line and skipped over it! But, I understand what you mean.... "Go make your OWN THREAD!!" Lol!
Haha! That was going to be my next question.... Whether you would be able to go home and see family during your most fantastic milestone.... smile Sounds like a fun and fabulous time!! I can't wait to hear most (not all lol) of the details when you are all done with your festivities. I like hearing/reading about far away places... Until I can travel to them myself! Lol! Big Grin
click to expand

To answer your question, I'm actually home currently spending time with my folks. There are lots of tiny tiny details in our weddings that make it very memorable and enjoyable at the same time. You know in my wedding (its a specific south Indian brahmin cultural thing to do), my uncles are supposed to be carrying me in a basket of sorts to the wedding arena, more specifically the "altar" in your lingo. No, i wont me lying down like the dead in the basket, I'll be in a seated position and atleat 3 to 4 folks need to carry me to the altar. Its kinda a fun part of the wedding cuz then all the uncles get to joke and poke and make fun about my weight/how heavy i'll be.
You can check out this link for a lil bit of detail and the basket-carrying-affair photo. Let me know what you think Winking
I'm very excited about my wedding and its really touching that you are even showing interest in the affair, puts a huge big smile on mah face smile
I so LOVE that link!!!! I love reading about other cultures and how they do things, other traditions, etc. Sounds like an awesome, fun time! I like it a lot! smile
And I still remember an email you had sent me about your homesickness, and other things..... Of course I'm taking an interest!!! You are an amazing person and showed me some kindess and compassion a while back. Things like that stick with some. Big Grin
Btw, reading that you were already home..... *smile from ear to ear* Big Grin
Thanks tv smile
oooh elle... lovely songs, both of 'em smile a song after my own username how wonderful.

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