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Oct 12, 2012Comments: 32 · Posts: 563 · Topics: 16
Let me tell you a little about myself!
I have worked as a professional writer and editor, after working for several years in Las Vegas as an exotic dancer and fetish model, and am currently in sales and studying massage. I'm thinking about getting certified in reiki later this month.
I take vinyasa flow yoga, and also practice yin yoga. I just did a work-shop last week in Santa Monica.
The beach is my favorite place besides yoga class and my bed, and I want to live in California for the rest of my life, but travel more.
I'm not originally from CA, I grew up in the South, and have traveled over the U.S. and Canada, but would also like to go to Europe, far East Asia, Russia, and maybe South America eventually.
I'm a completely non-violent individual, I believe in gun control, and I've never stalked anyone in my life.
I have indulged in some Internet trolling, because I have a warped sense of humor, and a profound sense of honesty and social justice.
In Enneagram I am what is known as 4-6-8 "Truth Teller" or "Canary in the Coal Mine" who values authenticity, fairness, and direct assertive methods.
I'm eccentric, and I'm certainly not for everyone, but I'm generally a pretty nice person, though I don't mind if strangers on the Internet think I'm this or that, I still don't like to be accused falsely of crimes by a major troll whose character can be verified by multiple people.
My own personal issues include: over-sensitivity and reactivity, occasional emotional outbursts, and some codependent tendencies. I don't claim to be perfect, but I'm not evil or dangerous.
I do enjoy horror movies though, and true crime documentaries. I also take a lot of walks, enjoy cooking, am obsessed with music (of all kinds, but I love New Wave, classic rock, Synth pop, emo, electronica, and some alternative the most).
So hi. Feel free to ask me anything, and I'll actually tell you the truth.
Signed Up:
Oct 12, 2012Comments: 32 · Posts: 563 · Topics: 16
Wow I just love the way you described yourself, you're awesome. I also relate to you in a way.
Are you an ENFP or xSFP by any chance in MBTI?
Signed Up:
Oct 12, 2012Comments: 32 · Posts: 563 · Topics: 16
Staged? LOL NO.
I was just hanging out and chatting.
I've never spoken with her before, so it's not a planned interview.
That's pretty funny!
Signed Up:
Oct 12, 2012Comments: 32 · Posts: 563 · Topics: 16
**big random hugs**
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Oct 02, 2012Comments: 348 · Posts: 5328 · Topics: 266
damn it those jugs are there
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Oct 12, 2012Comments: 32 · Posts: 563 · Topics: 16
Hiya yourself!
No I'm not dating a narcissist.
I was talking about someone from my recent past.
I've actually been seeing a very nice, polite, good-in-bed, honest but FLAKY AS FUCK Aquarius lately.
I'm not really sure I have the stomach for this after having a Libra FWB for about a year before I started seeing him. There was some overlap, I met Aquarius while still had Libra FWB, but didn't actually hook up with Aquarius until after Libra was really really over.
I really like Aquarius a lot, we're closer in age, both in our early 30s and we are both writers, and we're even from the same part of the country but moved to live in the area we live now.
But he's really flaky. He keeps saying he doesn't want to get serious, now he says he's not sure he's over his ex-gf from like eight or nine months ago, and...
I don't think I can take much more of him doing this. I have a feeling he'll be back soon, but if he isn't ready to get more serious when he returns, I can't go back to him.
Then I guess I'll just be alone. He's not a narcissist, though. I think he means well.
I think?
Signed Up:
Oct 12, 2012Comments: 32 · Posts: 563 · Topics: 16
In fact what I've realized is that I'm really sick of people who aren't over their exes or a person they were in love with.
I had the Libra FWB in the first place because I was in love with this Capricorn, and having a FWB seemed like the best thing for me to do, and the Libra also was in love with someone else, so it was a mutual comfort thing at first, then it got really messy, and it ended probably later than it should have.
Then Aquarius didn't tell me until just two days that the reason he didn't want to get serious and move slow and all this is because of HIS EX.
I am so sick of people's exes, and people not ready to move on.
I am ready to move on and I want to be with someone who is also ready to move on. WITH ME.
Even the Capricorn I had the unfortunate attachment was always not over someone, and I don't think I was completely over my six year Libra ex when I first started talking to him.
It's all a bunch of bullshit.
I want a clean slate. I want someone else with a clean slate.
I'm sick of people's past attachments, and I'm done with my own.
I think people are a reflection of where we are at in our lives, especially the person we spend the most time with or are sleeping with, those people are mirrors for our own issues.
Signed Up:
Oct 12, 2012Comments: 32 · Posts: 563 · Topics: 16
Why thank you! That is so sweet.
I think my Capricorn moon makes me a little caustic, though.
What's your moon?
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Oct 12, 2012Comments: 32 · Posts: 563 · Topics: 16
I think having Gemini sun with a Cap moon and Scorp asc actually makes me a rather ambivalent or strange person, because I can be very fixed and intense, and I long for security, but I also have this incredible need for freedom; it also seems like all the wrong people don't trust me.
I'm not sure that the Aquarius trusts me. I think that's why he brought up his ex, but it's the silliest thing, because complete strangers trust me, just yesterday at the beach a man asked me to watch his drums for him while he went to go get his bag, he said "hey yoga lady, you look safe."
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Oct 12, 2012Comments: 32 · Posts: 563 · Topics: 16
lolol you're so funny...and apparently you'll clean my house, I like that in a man!
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Oct 12, 2012Comments: 32 · Posts: 563 · Topics: 16
Lush is my favorite store in the world, I swear.
This is my new favorite soap that I got today, Figs and Leaves:
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Oct 02, 2012Comments: 348 · Posts: 5328 · Topics: 266
boingy boingy boingy boingy boingy
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Oct 12, 2012Comments: 32 · Posts: 563 · Topics: 16
Hey thanks! Glad you appreciate it.
Signed Up:
Oct 12, 2012Comments: 32 · Posts: 563 · Topics: 16
No but thanks for posting it so I can have a listen! Hey!
I like his version of "Love is Blindness." I've been grooving on the Gatsby soundtrack lately.
Signed Up:
Oct 12, 2012Comments: 32 · Posts: 563 · Topics: 16
Oh and just FYI, friend, if you're reading my posts...then you're reading my posts.
Which means YOU are stalking ME.
Don't send dumbasses to do your dirty work. That's just lame.