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Jul 09, 2015Comments: 9 · Posts: 3024 · Topics: 377
Just curious, and please provide your Venus, Moon, and Mars.
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Feb 12, 2010Comments: 0 · Posts: 168 · Topics: 10
When its meant, and not spoken for the sake of reciprocity, 3 - 6 months. I've said it because the boy said it first, and always regretted it. If I don't know by the 6 month mark, its not really going to change. Time to just call it quits. I'm talking 6 months in an active relationship though (not counting long distance, courtship, friendship etc).
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Jul 10, 2015Comments: 0 · Posts: 192 · Topics: 19
I said I love you when I was drunk...
I meant it as a friend, but I could see myself loving him to be honest.
Gemini, Taurus, Aries
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Nov 10, 2008Comments: 585 · Posts: 4402 · Topics: 46
As long as it takes. Every situation is different and I've never really kept track of how soon or how long it's taken me to say it.
Venus gem
Moon cancer
Mars cancer
I think for me it just depends on the person. They have to have a certain intellect and way about them that I really like. I have to feel the same in return. Usually for me it has to be a friend I have known for a while before it goes to the next level otherwise I tend to have trust issues and it would be hard for me to just let someone close to my heart like that. I am up front however about what I want and what I expect in return so I give them the chance to decide what they want before anything serious may develop.
Venus In Cancer
Moon in Leo
Mars in Gemini