How many geminis have a long happy relationship?

This topic was created in the Gemini forum by Ohdear on Monday, July 27, 2015 and has 26 replies.
My personality is typical Gemini and as such I get bored really easily. The only people I seem attracted to are the ones I can't have. So far had relationship with Aquarius we were both young he kept cheating, I left him. Gemini we were best friends and still are but I got bored. Cancer lovely guy treats me like a princess but no passion. Currently lusting over an Aries but found out he is already in a relationship.

What star signs make the best long term partners for Gemini ?
I know the feeling.... ive been going through stuff like that all the time.... so im very interested in where this threat will head.

So far for me:

Pisces - loved me to pieces, after a year i got bored and fell out.
Aquarious - 3 years with one then 5 years with the other, the first one bored me, the second one didnt but it was a long distance relationship which gave me enough space, but after a while i got bored again.

Libra - almost 3 years, he was to bitter so i fell out in the end.

Posted by Ohdear
My personality is typical Gemini and as such I get bored really easily. The only people I seem attracted to are the ones I can't have. So far had relationship with Aquarius we were both young he kept cheating, I left him. Gemini we were best friends and still are but I got bored. Cancer lovely guy treats me like a princess but no passion. Currently lusting over an Aries but found out he is already in a relationship.

What star signs make the best long term partners for Gemini ?

Libra (smooches) Lol jk. What's your Venus?
@ladylibra21 my Venus is in Gemini as well as my sun sign
Posted by Ohdear
@ladylibra21 my Venus is in Gemini as well as my sun sign

So you feel the need to cheat? Everyone keeps saying Gem in Venus isn't faithful. What is your take on this?
Posted by Ohdear
@ladylibra21 my Venus is in Gemini as well as my sun sign

I have venus in geminis too :/
So you feel the need to cheat? Everyone keeps saying Gem in Venus isn't faithful. What is your take on this?

I can honestly say I have never slept with another guy behind a boyfriends back but if I am completely truthful I have been tempted on many occasions. Although I always kept these desires hidden if the other person had've initiated something then yes I may have cheated. Im probably going to be labelled a bad person now but I'm just being honest and to date can say I have never cheated
Venus in gem here, too. Cheated once in my teens. Lesson learned and never again.

To answer op, 4 years and still counting! Married my aqua this past may. smile
Grr... I meant this past march. Confused
Posted by Tete
Posted by Ohdear
@ladylibra21 my Venus is in Gemini as well as my sun sign

I have venus in geminis too :/
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So we're both doomed to an unsatisfied live life it seems 😄
Posted by misslissa
Venus in gem here, too. Cheated once in my teens. Lesson learned and never again.

To answer op, 4 years and still counting! Married my aqua this past may. smile

Congratulations, so there is hope for us x
Posted by Ohdear
Posted by Tete
Posted by Ohdear
@ladylibra21 my Venus is in Gemini as well as my sun sign

I have venus in geminis too :/

So we're both doomed to an unsatisfied live life it seems 😄
click to expand

Oh Dear.... Ohdear!

Yes, looks like it.... ill go on be honest about this as well, please dont judge me.... ive cheated many times before.
But ill explain myself to see if you can get me, cause normally people never does, and of course is not like in trying to justify myself or make you all think that i think cheating is ok.... i feel awful about it always.

The thing is that im very loyal when im in love and when i feel you love me back, but as soon as i feel you are doing me wrong in any way (like taking advantage of my, cause i give myself completely) my heart just wander off. I have never ever initiated contact nor anything with some else while im in a relationship, yet when things go wrong and someone else does and make me fall for them i give in IF i feel that person might be the one.... i dunno, is like my heart never quit looking for that person who will keep me up to my feet for the rest of my life....

Also, when im into deep with someone and they are in my mind and heart, i dont look away, no matter what else comes along. This even happen when the person im in love with doesnt love me back... :s

I made a promise to myself, that i will never ever cheat again no matter what, im doing great so far!

BTW, my kindred spitit Tongue would you mind giving me your opinion about my threat? smile
Posted by Ohdear
Posted by misslissa
Venus in gem here, too. Cheated once in my teens. Lesson learned and never again.

To answer op, 4 years and still counting! Married my aqua this past may. smile

Congratulations, so there is hope for us x
click to expand

There's always hope! smile

For me, I just stopped looking, and started living. And to think it all started with just a simple belated birthday wish....

In other words, you'll find it when you're not looking. You'll find when you will least expect it to. Just live your life, happily, and it'll find you. I wish you the best!!

Oh Dear.... Ohdear!

Yes, looks like it.... ill go on be honest about this as well, please dont judge me.... ive cheated many times before.
But ill explain myself to see if you can get me, cause normally people never does, and of course is not like in trying to justify myself or make you all think that i think cheating is ok.... i feel awful about it always.

The thing is that im very loyal when im in love and when i feel you love me back, but as soon as i feel you are doing me wrong in any way (like taking advantage of my, cause i give myself completely) my heart just wander off. I have never ever initiated contact nor anything with some else while im in a relationship, yet when things go wrong and someone else does and make me fall for them i give in IF i feel that person might be the one.... i dunno, is like my heart never quit looking for that person who will keep me up to my feet for the rest of my life....

Also, when im into deep with someone and they are in my mind and heart, i dont look away, no matter what else comes along. This even happen when the person im in love with doesnt love me back... :s

I made a promise to myself, that i will never ever cheat again no matter what, im doing great so far!

BTW, my kindred spitit Tongue would you mind giving me your opinion about my threat? smile

I get what you're saying. I'm fussy about who I like but when I find someone I'm attracted to, I'm not interested in anyone else. I find it really hard to get over them and could never just have a rebound one night stand to get over them.
I never had a relationship last more than 4 years until I met my husband. Honestly, it was being married that saved the relationship. When I got to the inevitable point of questioning our compatibility, it was the commitment I had made that allowed me to push through it and work it out. When the point came at which we both started noticing each other's ugly sides, it was the commitment that pulled is through. I'm glad I stuck it out and came out the other side.
Why it dosen't last Sad
longest relationship was with another gemini...2 yrs...long distance...He was a pathological liar, worst relationship ever...

in highschool I dated a aries for a year...he was fun and cool and he was my first...I'm not even sure why we broke up, but we were both young

dated a capricorn on and off...he was a cheater

also dated aquarius for a couple of months but he was drama and I was over it...

currently with a taurus smile
Posted by TokerX
Well my longest relationship (7 years) was with a Scorpio... But then again, I'm mostly water and Scorpio...
I will spend the rest of my life with a Gemini though... Unless she dumps me. :'D

awww! at lease some people like us. I notice that people either love or hate geminis :/
oh and I had a casual fling with with a libra on and off for about a year maybe? he had a girlfriend at the time (I know, I know) but when he started talking about I love you and having his children, I had to fall back...breaking the code lol

And yes I learned my lesson on dealing with men who have gf's already. Trust me that karma has came back to me 10 fold...
Posted by LadyGem86
oh and I had a casual fling with with a libra on and off for about a year maybe? he had a girlfriend at the time (I know, I know) but when he started talking about I love you and having his children, I had to fall back...breaking the code lol

And yes I learned my lesson on dealing with men who have gf's already. Trust me that karma has came back to me 10 fold...

why? why did you fall back?
Posted by LadyGem86
longest relationship was with another gemini...2 yrs...long distance...He was a pathological liar, worst relationship ever...

in highschool I dated a aries for a year...he was fun and cool and he was my first...I'm not even sure why we broke up, but we were both young

dated a capricorn on and off...he was a cheater

also dated aquarius for a couple of months but he was drama and I was over it...

currently with a taurus smile

Posted by TokerX
Well my longest relationship (7 years) was with a Scorpio... But then again, I'm mostly water and Scorpio...
I will spend the rest of my life with a Gemini though... Unless she dumps me. :'D

why did you split with the scorpio?
I guess i'm having a phoebia from people who get borred Confused
LOL The fear of being bored is THAASOPHOBIA is that true lol?
Posted by LittleStar
I have Venus in Gemini and don't get urges to cheat. If I'm bored, I leave.

I think your excuse is too close to reality thanks for not cheating Tongue
And what causes you to lose respect on someone? And what kibd of behavior quickly get you bored? Do you get bored ecen after someone was very interesting and exciting? And are you then ignoring texts, or act cold? Maybe don't text first anymore...