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Jul 25, 2015Comments: 0 · Posts: 158 · Topics: 19
My personality is typical Gemini and as such I get bored really easily. The only people I seem attracted to are the ones I can't have. So far had relationship with Aquarius we were both young he kept cheating, I left him. Gemini we were best friends and still are but I got bored. Cancer lovely guy treats me like a princess but no passion. Currently lusting over an Aries but found out he is already in a relationship.
What star signs make the best long term partners for Gemini ?
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Dec 05, 2014Comments: 1 · Posts: 248 · Topics: 13
I know the feeling.... ive been going through stuff like that all the time.... so im very interested in where this threat will head.
So far for me:
Pisces - loved me to pieces, after a year i got bored and fell out.
Aquarious - 3 years with one then 5 years with the other, the first one bored me, the second one didnt but it was a long distance relationship which gave me enough space, but after a while i got bored again.
Libra - almost 3 years, he was to bitter so i fell out in the end.
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Jul 25, 2015Comments: 0 · Posts: 158 · Topics: 19
So you feel the need to cheat? Everyone keeps saying Gem in Venus isn't faithful. What is your take on this?
I can honestly say I have never slept with another guy behind a boyfriends back but if I am completely truthful I have been tempted on many occasions. Although I always kept these desires hidden if the other person had've initiated something then yes I may have cheated. Im probably going to be labelled a bad person now but I'm just being honest and to date can say I have never cheated
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Nov 16, 2010Comments: 0 · Posts: 2245 · Topics: 36
I never had a relationship last more than 4 years until I met my husband. Honestly, it was being married that saved the relationship. When I got to the inevitable point of questioning our compatibility, it was the commitment I had made that allowed me to push through it and work it out. When the point came at which we both started noticing each other's ugly sides, it was the commitment that pulled is through. I'm glad I stuck it out and came out the other side.
oh and I had a casual fling with with a libra on and off for about a year maybe? he had a girlfriend at the time (I know, I know) but when he started talking about I love you and having his children, I had to fall back...breaking the code lol
And yes I learned my lesson on dealing with men who have gf's already. Trust me that karma has came back to me 10 fold...
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Mar 03, 2012Comments: 214 · Posts: 1468 · Topics: 21
LOL The fear of being bored is THAASOPHOBIA is that true lol?
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Feb 21, 2015Comments: 55 · Posts: 554 · Topics: 19
And what causes you to lose respect on someone? And what kibd of behavior quickly get you bored? Do you get bored ecen after someone was very interesting and exciting? And are you then ignoring texts, or act cold? Maybe don't text first anymore...