Posted by Vitale"Please, dress up"
i think it might work if the cancer doesn't talk at all and just let the gemini do all the talking
Posted by AneemA11The next day cancer silently walks in dressed up as all the characters from the movie up proving to Gemini that she does what she wantsPosted by Vitale"Please, dress up"
i think it might work if the cancer doesn't talk at all and just let the gemini do all the talkingclick to expand
Posted by VitaleWutPosted by AneemA11The next day cancer silently walks in dressed up as all the characters from the movie up proving to Gemini that she does what she wantsPosted by Vitale"Please, dress up"
i think it might work if the cancer doesn't talk at all and just let the gemini do all the talkingclick to expand
Posted by AneemA11It was suppose to be a joke. I guess it wasn’t very good. I wanted to post a picture of up to accompany this but I cant on my phone . Have you ever seen the movie up?Posted by VitaleWutPosted by AneemA11The next day cancer silently walks in dressed up as all the characters from the movie up proving to Gemini that she does what she wantsPosted by Vitale"Please, dress up"
i think it might work if the cancer doesn't talk at all and just let the gemini do all the talkingclick to expand
Posted by VitaleI did but he then over-ride ppl.. Le sigh
i think it might work if the cancer doesn't talk at all and just let the gemini do all the talking
Posted by VitaleYes, i hate that movie. I'm the tiny designer you cringe at.Posted by AneemA11It was suppose to be a joke. I guess it wasn’t very good. I wanted to post a picture of up to accompany this but I cant on my phone . Have you ever seen the movie up?Posted by VitaleWutPosted by AneemA11The next day cancer silently walks in dressed up as all the characters from the movie up proving to Gemini that she does what she wantsPosted by Vitale"Please, dress up"
i think it might work if the cancer doesn't talk at all and just let the gemini do all the talkingclick to expand
Posted by LethalFantasia
I think if I were straight I would be perfect for a Cancer woman lol. I think they like cuddles and I am very affectionate! lol.
I tend to like Cancer men too but we're both super paranoid and a little crazy so it never works (I have a Cancer Mercury and 1st House Moon).
Posted by GemLoverLols noPosted by LethalFantasiaI'm only compatible with cancer women in cuddling too because I'm a very affectionate person too. ONLY cuddles. But their emotions is too much for me to handle tho. I had to end that shit with them. I just couldn't handle it. Their very insecure about themselves and they all used to keep asking me one question, do you find me attractive? Is what they ALLLLways ask me. But not even that is why I ended it with them. Unless they got at least SOME fire in them I'd still be in a relationship with a cancer lady to this day.
I think if I were straight I would be perfect for a Cancer woman lol. I think they like cuddles and I am very affectionate! lol.
I tend to like Cancer men too but we're both super paranoid and a little crazy so it never works (I have a Cancer Mercury and 1st House Moon).click to expand
Posted by Black-Mamba😠😬😡😢😴😮😥😦😧😈
Easy conversations to haindle
I think friends very good to fuck wit
I wouldn't date a Gemini who has A very questionable Capricorn sun
Posted by gemNi
I feel with gems and cancers its really 50/50 doesnt matter if thier sibling, friends or foes they mentally match up. A gem will win some the Cancer will win some and its pretty square even when they're both losing (at fault) they're learning from the other. Not as petty as other sign combinations imo you are confusing af