In my case there are six distinct personalities that exist. (With a couple more personalities that only one other person is allowed to see.)
Posted by Norcalman67
Only a Gem can be Serious, switch to Laughter, run over to Coy, act innocent, switch to serious again and disappear,...all within 90 seconds and all the while playing you.
We are also the only only sign that can make jokes and laugh during love making. Try that one with a Virgo or Scorp. you'll not like the outcome.
Posted by everevolvingepithetPosted by Norcalman67
Only a Gem can be Serious, switch to Laughter, run over to Coy, act innocent, switch to serious again and disappear,...all within 90 seconds and all the while playing you.
We are also the only only sign that can make jokes and laugh during love making. Try that one with a Virgo or Scorp. you'll not like the outcome.
You know, swap that for any sign that's mature, and you're right !click to expand
Posted by everevolvingepithetPosted by feliciafPosted by roamingfreePosted by Norcalman67
Only a Gem can be Serious, switch to Laughter, run over to Coy, act innocent, switch to serious again and disappear,...all within 90 seconds and all the while playing you.
We are also the only only sign that can make jokes and laugh during love making. Try that one with a Virgo or Scorp. you'll not like the outcome.
what are you trying to do? give secrets out?whose side are you on? huh? lol
That is so funny, I have done that with a Scorpio (U know laugh during love making) and got kicked out of bed Literally...I dont take myself to seriously but Scorps do. I wasnt laughing at him per say; the big picture of ita all at the time. I was back in that bed within minutes..
Do you think it's because of your minge ?click to expand
Posted by feliciafPosted by KleoPosted by everevolvingepithetPosted by feliciafPosted by roamingfreePosted by Norcalman67
Only a Gem can be Serious, switch to Laughter, run over to Coy, act innocent, switch to serious again and disappear,...all within 90 seconds and all the while playing you.
We are also the only only sign that can make jokes and laugh during love making. Try that one with a Virgo or Scorp. you'll not like the outcome.
what are you trying to do? give secrets out?whose side are you on? huh? lol
That is so funny, I have done that with a Scorpio (U know laugh during love making) and got kicked out of bed Literally...I dont take myself to seriously but Scorps do. I wasnt laughing at him per say; the big picture of ita all at the time. I was back in that bed within minutes..
Do you think it's because of your minge ?
I believe it's yours. It's pretty foul right now. Lighten up sir. It ain't no thing unless you make it one. So we operate differently than you, it is what it is and there's a certain beauty in that.
Thanks to expand
Posted by Norcalman67
Yup,...can't read minds....YET!
Using the Topic Header:
If you only met a 'Double-Gemini' you met a Gem that is only showing you his or her basic self.
If the Gem decides to 'let you in' you'll get much more than the standard two sides,'ll be in for a real ride.
In my case there are six distinct personalities that exist. (With a couple more personalities that only one other person is allowed to see.)
Only a Gem can be Serious, switch to Laughter, run over to Coy, act innocent, switch to serious again and disappear,...all within 90 seconds and all the while playing you.
We are also the only only sign that can make jokes and laugh during love making. Try that one with a Virgo or Scorp. you'll not like the outcome.