I miss GM...

This topic was created in the Gemini forum by RealTalk on Monday, November 7, 2011 and has 11 replies.

I'm about to put out an APB on you!!!!! Tongue Nah but real talk, miss you on the boards homie! Hope all is well with you. Winking
he won't be far away.... chillin like a villain somewhere
possibly somewhere warm???
Chicago ain't warm..... we'll probably have to wait until Spring when he finally thaws out. That being said.... I miss him too....
Yeah, lol...Chicago is brick city!
How strange that he just fell off the face of the planet. I hope everything is alright.
Hahahaha, maybe...but I don't think that's his style , Winking
Nah, I'd think he'd at least respond to some emails! ......... Sad
probably out making his mark on the world

get em champ
Where did my old sparing partner GM go? I bet hes riding the duck just about now. Peace!