I need help!!!!

This topic was created in the Gemini forum by preciousGEM on Monday, March 12, 2007 and has 12 replies.
I had a "male friend" for a period of time, it was kind of awkward because sometimes we would speak and everything would be fine, but then there would be times where we would not speak at all. At one point everything seemed good, that we were heading for a positive road, but then all of as sudden I had encountered problems with his sister.(Me and his sister had problems way before me and her brother started talking). I had sent my friend a "sexy" text message, but then his sister (who hates me) decides to call me and tell me I should stop sending messages to him. So from then on, I decided not to talk to this guy because of the drama surrounding me and his sister. Then months go by, and I finally speak to him again, I invite him on a group date because it seems like we could start "talking" again. He decides to bring some other girl with him. I did not understand why he would do that.Anyway, fast forward a few months- I had moved, but everytime I am in his neighborhood, he calls me randomly, and wants to spend time with me (rolls eyes), what is this guy's problem? One minute he tries to make me jealous by bringing another girl around me, but then he calls me because he wants to see me??? HELP???
wats ur age girl?
relax try spendin some time with him..try to know him better.
how? i don't think he wants me i think he likes playing games!!!!!!!!!
r u ready to take a chance/burn urself...then try it...dont bother abt who is going around with.
wat? i'm trying 2 understand u but it's just not making any sense
bopbop is saying that if you really like him, then take a chance with him, and don't worry about the girl he brought with him.
how perfect fieryearth!!
idk, it feels like fool me once, shame one u. fool me twice shame on me!!! I'm not down 4 a second round of bs. don't get me wrong i'm reallyyyyyyy feeling him!! i'm really confused
When and if he grows up, he'll stop with the mind games, and face his real heart like a man. Question is, will you still be around, and how long will that take.. 'Don't get caught up in the mind-game trap. If he still means alot to you, then ask him alone, directly, face to face what his (true) intentions and feelings are for you, either he's in or he's out.' Honest communication is vital. Either way, he sounds indecisive; don't be held hostage for too long, you deserve better...
he's a Scorpio i don't know what his sister sign is.I'm a Gemini. in the beginning we were both playing games so it was kind of iffy. I'm really taking everything that everyone has said to the heart. But the problem is i don't wear my heart on my sleeves. I'm not good at expressing myself when it comes 2 a guy. i think it's a pride thing and also just me being scared. i don't want 2 give them that advantage over me. I've seen it happen with my friend when the guy feels like they already have u figured out. they tend 2 use it against u. At the same time i do wanna say something.... idk