is it just me or..

This topic was created in the Gemini forum by JuiCy* on Friday, July 28, 2006 and has 45 replies.
i know where suppost to be one of the friendly fun and flirtiest signs, but do you gems have days where you just hate to deal with people, like anyone just annoy's you and you wanna be alone? Even if your in a good mood?..
Big time and it happens far more often than you think.
OHHH YES.. lemme tell ya. That's that depression kinda funk i get into. Most don't realize it or know it.. but i think we put so much into 1. pleasing people 2. over indulging 3. activities 4. thought processes that we just shut down and need that moment of time to gather ourselves once again. I used to fight it.. cuz i thought it wasn't who i was and i didn't understand it.. and naturally rebelled against it.. cuz i'm supposed to be a social butterfly. BUt i have learned to go with it. I NEED that time when i feel annoyed and restless and need that alone time.. when you just do what you need, you repair and rebuild yourself and it doesn't last as long. smile
i totally understand, but more for me when people just piss me off with everything they say..i dunno i have alot of those days.
People say stupid shit.. lol
Lol tell me about it!
This might happen more with men though, some days they just annoy the crap out of me...everything they say is just dumb (and no not when i'm pmsing) lol
I know what you're saying... it's like.. just get outta here with that stupid shit. And then let one of em' try and holla at me.. on those days.. it isn't pretty. Cuz they don't understand how to get us when we are in a good mood and happy go lucky.. much less on a day we tired of people.
And you know the worst. WHen you in that mood.. and people just piss you off and dudes actin' retarded and then one comes along and while your in that funk.. and just slips right in.. says the right things at the right time.... and then damn it.. there comes our obssessive side.. LOL can't get enough of em'. I really hate that.
You can say that again. Those are usually the days where people just don't go away, then they wonder why were mean lol
haha right, like how'd he do that...i was just pissed off..(OoOoh lover boy) LOL
uh huh... those are the ones ya gotta watch out for... have me doin' stupid shit.
riiiiiiiight! haha but not to many of those come around...well the kind that interest me anyway lol
& someone could interest me ..but the more time they spend away the more i forget about them, does that happen to you to? Like you know how people get distant or play games...after like a week or two i'm like oh well, then i become bored lol
i know.. that's what crazy about it.. you'll be sitting back going "I did WHAT"?????? hahaha then i know i lost my mind. Then I sit and wait for them to do something stupid like they all do.. so i can move on.. and shake my head at myself for doin' that stupid ass shit i did. lol but i love it.. lol
I like when someone is that good that catches me like that and i just lose it.. wish mor could do that. they are so rare.
how depressing LOL
YES!!! look i'm going through that now. lol I met some dude from chicago.. we had a great time a few weekends ago i hung with him a few times and it was a good time. he calls every now and then, but only for a minute... but i know he was feelin' it.. but he wants me to chase.. ain't happenin'. so i'm like, now.. i could care less if he calls me or not. it's like i was diggin ya.. but you let it go too much.. now what? lol so he called me last night talkin' bout he missed me and shit.. i was like.. hmmm aiight. lol
right! haha thats so's more or less a turn off, and plus we get over things quickly ..thank god lol
and then just that easy someone else crept in my head.. so now he can cancel christmas.. my head is somewhere else. Do you get like that juicy? It's like my mind can only occupy 1 man.. lol if someone is on my mind.. there's no room for anyone
YES! i'm like that..i feel bad for the guy though i'm like he doesn't relize in a week i won't think about him anymore..someone else will have caught my attention, and then it's like i have no desire to talk to that person weird lol
I just figure why waste my time? when theres plenty of fish in the sea. Your loss. lol
i know!! and the worst is.. i tell them how to keep my attention.. THEY DON'T LISTEN!!!!! I make it easy.. especially if i really like em'. I try and help them out. lol never fails... here comes the stupid shit..
haha same with me..i mean i like a challenge ..actually love it..but they get the wrong idea and think "ok i wont call her for a couple of days" and then i'm like hi who are you again?
HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA YES!!! that's some funny shit.
It's weird cuz.. i will chase.. if the set up is right. And the chase will make me mental.. cuz its like GOT TO HAVE IT. And i really have to make sure i don't do no psychotic shit cuz i can't help it.. But i love that challenge....
lmaoo yes it is..but wait what about when you really really like someone and you would pray for anything to get them off your mind and you just cant!! lol
i know...we get carried away sometimes LOL not alot but..theres those days you look back and your like oh man.
i know that's that obsessive bullshit.. mental! i mean.. you think about EVERY stinkin' thing about em'.. .over and over.... UGh it drives me nuts.. and then still try and play hard.. like you ain't feelin' em' that much.. THAT is some work right there.
yeah.. i have never been stalker material or anything.. but i've been known to make a call or 2...LMAO
LMAO i know..they call and your jumping over the bed answering like "Oh i was just near the phone" sitting there waiting for them to call lmfao and what aboutu when you say stupid stuff , you want to kick yourself in the ass for .."like why did i just say that to him" getting all red lol
yeah.. i have never been stalker material or anything.. but i've been known to make a call or 2...LMAO

LMFAO i hear that, to much pride to be a stalker lol
hahahahahahahaha @ "they call and your jumping over the bed answering like "Oh i was just near the phone" sitting there " LMFAO
Oh i know gettin' tongue tied.. lawd.. some of the things i've said...
I'm sittin here crackin' up.. Glad someone else shares my pains....
LMAO oh god i can just imagine..but wait the best is when they know alot more about you then you do them & your like he deff knows i just jumped on my bed, hit my head on the wall and fell on the floor to not miss that call LOL
so am i lmao...this is great
LMFAO NO SHIT!!!!!!!! They are laughin' on the other end.. hearin' us outta breath and shit.. you know they thinkin' yeah "I'm da man".. lol bastards..
lmfao i know! talking all happy like you just got a new dog or something like "HAYYYYYYYYYYYY YOUU" coolaid smile on...oh man lol
ohh how many times... lol
the best thing about how we are.. is cuz we skip town so quickly... i don't get my heart i'm outta there to quickly.. i do the leavin'.. have them lookin' in all directions wonderin where the hell i went...
But.. ouch the 2 times i have had my heart stomped on.. *shakes head* not pretty.
Yeah same here...but it sucksssssssssssss when you caught in it...your like i knew it! i knew it! hating every man lol
lol yup...but at least it doesn't last long.. its intense and sever.. but.. uh oh.. loook... here comes another one... LMAO
That's the only thing that drives me nuts about the peoples perception of us. It's not my fault that this guy or that guy wasn't intersting enough or funny enough or strong enough to keep my attention and he got his feelings hurt or his ego crushed... SO they say we are mean or whatever.
tell me about it, they need to get over themselves if life is going to stop just for them..
my thing is...i'm a very giving person, more then i take back show me your worth it, don't talk about it, be about it and then when i know your worth it you will get treated like a king..Otherwise i'm the queen & your just not in the kingdom..LOL
I wonder how many people are going to make heads or tails of this conversation.. LMAO i'm sure it'll be interesting for certain folks to read this shit.
HAHA..when aren't we interesting =)~