Is this a Gemini thing ?

This topic was created in the Gemini forum by ThatGemGuy336 on Wednesday, January 14, 2015 and has 3 replies.
I am in a relationship but I can't help but flirt and look and want other women sexually ( of course I don't go pass anything but harmless flirting and the females mostly start it first) do all Gemini guy do this ? I'm a Gemini sun libra rising Aries moon !
age definitely plays a huge factor in my opinion. as one gets older, the expectations of his/her ideal partner changes as well.
at least for me.
Posted by AirMan
i think every men lusts after sexually attractive women they see. that's not just a gemini man thing. there was a time i used to flirt and look at women everywhere i go but not so much now as i grew older in age (as i realize) and settled. of course flirting is naturally a gemini thing anyway. but we as geminis can be faithful and loyal too. if you look into aspects, that can tell you more. that's where i turn to in most cases... aspects. also noticed you said you are a libra rising. there's one good reason for your love of flirting and wanting other women sexually.

is libra rising a lusting sign ? and I honestly feel like something is wrong with me it's very hard for me to find a girl I don't think is attractive!