Hi all
This is my first post, but wanted your feedback on something.
I have recently realised that Im a very impatient person: for ex. im taking
Hi all
This is my first post, but wanted your feedback on something.
I have recently realised that Im a very impatient person: for ex. im taking a media course at the moment, and am highly impatient with the other people on there, particularly if they are discussing something and repeating themselves or labouring the point - once theyve made their point and its been discussed i expect them to move on, or shut up - I cant bear talking around the houses/unecessary waffling which I see as a major waste of time.
Am I being harsh or being a hero?
My impatience is becoming a problem recently as its making me very snappy, moody and frustrated.. I think its because Im a quick thinker and talker.. What do you think? Can you relate in any way?
Many Thanks and Kisses xXx
Cuspy :-)
Signed Up:
Mar 08, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 1633 · Topics: 53
I think there is something to impatience and Gemini's. I'm am EXTREMELY impatient and have a very very low tolerance of almost everything. But, seein'g i'm in the 'older' gemini class.. i have learned to contain it and i have actually been able to convince people that i'm a patient person.. if they only could hear what i'm thinking and the meditation i was doing to just tolerate them.. LMAO
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Mar 08, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 1633 · Topics: 53
This morning.. driving to work.. going down a ONE WAY (yes the correct way lol) and come to a stop sign.. you can only go left or right.. the idot car in front of me, stops at the stop sign.. ON THE RIGHT HAND SIDE OF THE ROAD to make a stinkin' left hand turn. WTF is that???? Zero tolerance.
Thanks for the feedback guys.
I think its a combination of both - I am a quick thinker too and I 'get' things very quickly, but I guess the impatient 'cancer' side does take over. DB your right, I do attract stronger personalities = aries, leo, saggis. I dont know my rising sign though. How do I work that out?
BaBy - GrL414 ... Im taking driving lessons at the mo too - God help the other drivers methinks - I think my horn is going to get a lot of use + I'll rack up a few speeding tickets - yikes LOL
Signed Up:
Mar 08, 2006Comments: 0 · Posts: 1633 · Topics: 53
LOL cuspy.. i'm 32 and just got my first speeding ticket.. actually 2 of them.. hahaha i have speed issues.. and i finally got busted.. and now i can't. if i get one more.. they will revoke my license!!!! so now i have to behave.. i never use my horn.. i would rather cuss em' out. LMAO