Signed Up: May 23, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 2604 · Topics: 117
When they are young -they think they are like guys -do what they want and whichever way they want -love is a stupid thing which makes no sense to them. -drive like crazy kids and do all sort of stuffs a macho man. -ditch every guy who likes her and think all are nuts -best of all - make everyone else feel that they are a bitch. -expect an LAPD officer to jump from a chopper and grab her hand and propose to her... When they cross 21-23 things change -now they want to have a man -started feeling that she is a women -unable to like anyone.. Noone seems interesting -when they have one, they play with them -When they loose them, they think they can play and get them back now she is 26+ -fcuk where are the good men??? they wonder -god i loved him and i was blind to make him go away.. -why am i left alone in this world -why do i cry and why do i hardly meet anyone interesting -Why no one likes me 30+ -marriage not meant for me -life sucks i prefer some drugs or drinks than men -prostitutes might be living in a better way than me... I am a global waste -men dont want me -I am a loser... angry with everyone -I cry every single night
I am a gemini woman approaching 30 and I have to see some truth in that!!! When young, who cares, we have our whole life ahead of us, man will hold us back, we like the idea of onne though , waaayyyy down the track. Then when way down the track comes we think ' gee why can't i find one?' Geminis can grow old and lonely I think - too hard to please themselves, overlook a good guy just cause he shows his attraction - what fun is there in that they say. My men history: Brushed the ones that probably would have treated me right, spent my days pining over the ones who didn't give a damn and still do. God here I am nearly 30, still chasing a man (aqua) who has flat out said he doesn't like me as more than friends!!! Should be way past that at my age, it will be the death of my realtionship existence and probably the reason I will grow old, unmarried and childless. Missed all the good opportunities just cause they would have been too easy. Boo hoo sad but totally true.
well, the Gem gals i know began chasing after boys well before the age of 21...but yeah, affaires, all of them just love to chase after the boys who want nothing to do with them. not to say it always is that way, but pretty much, if he runs in the other direction, i dont think there's a Gem gal that could resist running after. so chalk up compulsive participation in the game of "Cat and Mouse" to the list of Gem flaws.
Signed Up: May 23, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 2604 · Topics: 117
I jus talked to few of my gemini frnds. They all agreed on the cat and mouse syndrome. They say they dont find it interesting to get a guy whom they know is easy and sure bet. Always pushing themselfs to higher or different levels. I guess its the same way a gemini pushes others in work.
I agree on the cat and mouse thing. However because Gems have short attention span and cuz my venus is in Gemini ...lot of times when the guy does become interested...I have already lost interest and moved on ....LOL...
ever watch a house cat with a mouse? it'll either chase it until it gets bored and leave the thing running all around or it'll catch it and then play with it until the mouse is on death's doorstep, but seldom do they ever actually eat the mouse. the sport is what they're interested in, usually. it takes one hell of a tricky mouse to keep a cat interested.
Signed Up: Aug 12, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 98 · Topics: 11
DUDE I'M 23 BUT I'M STILL IN THE FIRST CATEGORY...HOW DO I GO TO THE NEXT ONE? but i doubt i'm gonna to to the 30+ description...gem women always makes the best mothers and wife....know why...coz they've done all the crazy stuff when they were young...
wait gemini's never cry...they feel sad yeah..but what is sad? .....i just spotted the next prey....
Signed Up: Feb 22, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 2787 · Topics: 83
Well, one time I was watching a porn starring Vanessa Blue who's a Gemini, and according to what she said she was like as a young chick in the prescrew interview, thelibran's description of the young Gem fits, at least with Vanessa. She first experimented with her girl cousin when she was 9-10 yrs old by rubbing their cooters together, first had her official diddling when she was 15 with a 25 yeard old guy ("love is a stupid thing yada yada yada"), and did a bunch more stuff like doing it on the playground. I want to bang a Gemini now.
Signed Up: Feb 22, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 2787 · Topics: 83
Well, one time I was watching a porn starring Vanessa Blue who's a Gemini, and according to what she said she was like as a young chick in the prescrew interview, thelibran's description of the young Gem fits, at least with Vanessa. She first experimented with her girl cousin when she was 9-10 yrs old by rubbing their cooters together, first had her official diddling when she was 15 with a 25 yeard old guy ("love is a stupid thing yada yada yada"), and did a bunch more stuff like doing it on the playground. I want to bang a Gemini now.
Signed Up: Nov 05, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 201 · Topics: 21
Wow, I have not seen that post before. I agree with the most part too, and it is scary! I've been through the same crazy times, feeling like a man more than a man himself and going to explore the whole world. Then, there was a time when I felt like there is nothing left to catch, the good guys that I did not want are all taken, and the bad guys that I used to chase desperately are... well, proven that they were not right for me but they also have better lives, at least a family or a high ranked job. And... what did I have? I am now over 30 and barely started to put things in perspective. 1. I decided that I do not want to die alone, but I do not want to have just any guy either. I am happy because at least I learned to enjoy the good qualities of a man, macho or player types do not interest me anymore. 2. I am also happy with my job, the profession that I've chosen for myself was the right one and I enjoy my time at work. 3. I have met people from all walks of life and made some really good friends. I think that's a start
silly gems iknw one to, she is pushing 30 and single and bitter and works for a divorce attorney so you can imagine what her idea about happy life togetehr is, im not big on marriage my self but i think of my self as a good man, yet she pushed me away as soon i showed my interest. i still try on occasion to get her out for a drink of movie but no dice, kind of sux but what is a guy to do...... im about to start seeing someone else so she will miss out and keep bieng single, which is weird cuase she is very pretty
Signed Up: Dec 03, 2005 Comments: 0 · Posts: 3890 · Topics: 117
Oh dear...In youth i can agree, however i was usually in a relationship. I think those bad qualities only come out when we are down in the dumps or feel we are being played or taken advantage of that is when the true games begin. However yes about the chasing part BUT we do have alot of pride (at least i do) then again i'm a taurus/gemini cusp. We like a challenge & mind stimulation of feeling & capturing someone we feel is worth it. As far as the thinking like men..LOL we are strong females in the relationship area & will need someone stronger then us. Then again we are a masculine sign... As long as a gemini knows herself worth & is secure with herself ...most of those will not apply. As far as being open minded...hehehe lol BUT LADIES REMEMBER..DO NOT BE EASY!
For me: When they are young -they think they are like guys - YES -do what they want and whichever way they want - WITHIN REASON (WITHOUT BREAKING LAWS/ IMPORTANT RULES) -love is a stupid thing which makes no sense to them. - YES, BUT I WANTED TO UNDERSTAND IT -drive like crazy kids and do all sort of stuffs a macho man. - NOT DRIVING, BUT OTHER THINGS, YES -ditch every guy who likes her and think all are nuts - YEP! -best of all - make everyone else feel that they are a cookiemonster. - DON'T KNOW WHAT THAT MEANS -expect an LAPD officer to jump from a chopper and grab her hand and propose to her... - NOT REALLY, BUT THE SENTIMENT, YES When they cross 21-23 things change -now they want to have a man - YEP -started feeling that she is a women - YEP -unable to like anyone.. Noone seems interesting - SORT OF -when they have one, they play with them - YES -When they loose them, they think they can play and get them back - YEAH now she is 26+ -fcuk where are the good men??? they wonder - I WAS MARRIED, BUT I STILL WONDERED THAT -god i loved him and i was blind to make him go away.. - NOPE -why am i left alone in this world - NOPE -why do i cry and why do i hardly meet anyone interesting - YES -Why no one likes me - YES 30+ -marriage not meant for me - YEP! -life sucks i prefer some drugs or drinks than men - NOPE. TRY WOMEN MAYBE :-) -prostitutes might be living in a better way than me... I am a global waste - NOPE -men dont want me - YEAH, AT LEAST THE ONES I WANT -I am a loser... angry with everyone - A LITTLE -I cry every single night - NOPE, BUT FEEL LIKE IT SOMETIMES!
ok so if that is how geminis are now i start to understand, so how can i show the gemini i still like her even though she shut me out? i had very good connection with her right of the start, we even snuggled and watched tv togethter and stuff but as soon as i showed that im interested in her it was over poff like that, i mena very next day. we still friends and i would try again in a heartbeat if i knew she wasnt going to play me like that again, like some of you say, i think she is still chasing the guy that she was with eventhough he was a dick and will pass me up or maybe she was interested in me cause i was a new guy in her circle and im little different than rest of the dudes? cocky but nice , real gentelman but with attidiute pretending to be a jerk but in a nice way so it makes you laugh, hmmmm
Signed Up: Nov 09, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 157 · Topics: 6
yeah ..i did that to an aries he dissapeared.. now i wish he would turn up again..i even real miss him sometimes..but i still wouldn't wanna be with him..i just wanna hang friends..have fun ...
yeah i know, im over it now...i did like her a lot and would of shown her affection like she never had,but now my mind is focused on someone new, just spend almost 4 hours on the phone last night with this aqua girl, i never ever talk this long on the phone with anyone, most of the time i cant wait to hang up the phone, but now i didnt want to, lol oh my foolish heart as at it again, better hold on this cold be a exciting ride :-)
Signed Up: Aug 21, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 416 · Topics: 24
When under 20 yes I was very unpredictable all over the map noone could stop me or slow me down. At 19 I met my first true love that was with a cap he was a chase. We were happy untill we moved in together then my life was depressing cause I couldn't do anything. I would be fine in a relationship, I have alot of love to give it's finding someone who appretiates me and listens to what I have to say. I already now that I cant boss around the universe thankfully I learnt that early. Yes I was a tom boy when i was little I still am. I love cars, and being athletic. I have relized that I am a man magnit. They come to me now and I get to chose. Yes I have high expectations but I wouldnt try to change someone because you cant change anyone. I know that if you dont like it then take a hike. I have a very careless attitude. I am a heart breaker I dont try to be but men fall in love with me very easy so yes I think most men are crazy. It is not easy to make a gemini settle down. I dont know how my ex did it but he did then after 3 and half years it didnt work out. I am naturally a giving person so I get taken advantage of by alot of people I meet. I loved being in love and I would deffinetly do it again.
Signed Up: Nov 09, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 157 · Topics: 6
i'm totaly unorganized, my room is an ever mess,always forget things, recon i'd forget my head somewhere if i could, yet i work as a sort of a tourist guide/ rep in sommer and winter camps...hahaha..makes total sense right? lol =)
Signed Up: Jan 06, 2008 Comments: 0 · Posts: 439 · Topics: 6
I'm only 20, so I can REALLY relate to the part about Gems when they are young. I'm starting to spill over into the 21-23 section, but I have been told I think like a male. I do what I want because that's how I was raised. Up until my emotions got the best of me, I thought love was stupid and people who did stupid things in love were complete idiots to me. I don't drive crazy, however. I didn't ditch every guy who liked me, but it took a lot for the feelings to be mutual. YES, I wanted people to think I was a b!+(#... now I think I did it to protect myself because I am sensitive. So if you fear me, you won't hurt me lol. The 21-23... wanting a man now, YES. But its this one particular guy that I dated years ago. I only want him. No one else. I'm definitely starting to feel that I am a woman... wearing skirts and dresses, no more sneakers everyday, but once in a while. I'm unable to like anyone but my Cap. Everyone else is wack lol. I don't play, however. And that's a problem I'm facing with men who enjoy the chase. If I like you, I won't really run and that tends to send men packing lmao. Hopefully I won't be 26 wondering where all the good men are... Gemini82_gurl, the story about you and your first love Cap intrigues me! I have a question, can I PM you?
Signed Up: Jan 08, 2008 Comments: 0 · Posts: 18 · Topics: 2
reading this thread and this is so true about Gemini girls. OMG!! LOL i reaally love this board, i get to really understand me better and the type of ppl that i want to surround myself with. We Gemini's ROCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can now see why other signs would envy us...LOL I love me and will always love me even though i can be wishy washy ...LMAO!!
Signed Up: Mar 22, 2008 Comments: 0 · Posts: 11 · Topics: 1
TO TheLibran: WOW are u bitter over someone? Not every Gemini woman acts exactly the same! It depends on your birthdate as well. I have a friend who is also a gemini and she and I are so different! Gemini woman can commit to someone and we are very loyal when we do. The difference with us and other signs is that we want to make damm sure that the partner we chose is going to be the right one because life is too short to be miserable! So if it seems we go from one to the next that may be true in early years because our moto is "Variety is the spice of Life" but as we mature and our need to be more grounded sets in then we have to make a wise decision on who we partner up with and yes sometimes hearts get broken because to a Gemini woman, a man HAS to have all the qualities we are searching for and we won't settle for less! Sometimes this can make us feel alone if we can't seem to find the right person. It's not that nobody likes us because all my life i've never had a problem being persued by men it's just that we are so picky when it comes to what we want and if it's not EXACT then we let go even if we know that person could have been good for us.
Signed Up: May 23, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 2604 · Topics: 117
lol... i am quite surprised to see this thread back from the dead. I am not bitter over any gemini. I blogged that OP 2 years ago while I was playing the cat and mouse game with a gemini(which is still going on). Its the generic nature of most gemini gals . You can read the responses from other gem gals to cross chk.
Signed Up: Mar 22, 2008 Comments: 0 · Posts: 11 · Topics: 1
I have read the thread and I love my gemini's! We are a lively exciting bunch, never a dull moment but on the same token like I said not all gems are alike. I've met gems that I couldn't stand and others that I loved like crazy! I'm not contesting that gems aren't very confusing when it comes to the romance department because we confuse ourselves sometimes when we do things and later regret them. We are social butterflies, and we are flirts. A gorgeous man can win me over only for so long but if he can't "WOW" my mind I can't bother with him. My ex is a scorpio and the man has looks for days but when it comes to having a conversation he's all about me me me and the most secretive person I've ever met. While i'm an open book and will tell you whatever is on my mind. Anyways maybe your gem friend hasn't gotten to the maturity phase and that could take awhile because "Gems" are known for being the youngest at heart then any other sign. That's why we often draw in younger friends and mates.
Why is it everytime a person posts something a Gemini doesn't like, they automatically say that they person must have been burnt, or has some kind of pain over a Gemini hurting them? Why can't people just have an opinion without it meaning anything other than what they said? Furthermore ... if alls these people who post in here in this fashion doso because a Gemini has burnt them ... then what does that say about Geminis?
Think about that ..... seems 90% of the Gems claim that their own kind hurt another person and this is the reason for the posts .. think about that ....
Signed Up: Mar 14, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 1083 · Topics: 56
Why can't people just have an opinion without it meaning anything other than what they said? well... there has to be a reason for their opinions, they didn't just pull it out of their ass...
Signed Up: Dec 24, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 88 · Topics: 9
WOW. It's soooooooo True!!!!! I'm 36 and the 30+ is so where I am. All the good ones are taken. They are either gay, married, or have severe mental issues. I think the reason why we think "Nobody wants me" is if your a girl who doesn't keep herself in shape (me) and your over 30 then gravity takes hold and you just feel ugly. Sometimes I do cry myself to sleep more than I care to admit. I just keep saying maybe in my next life Badass
Signed Up: May 23, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 2604 · Topics: 117
((All the good ones are taken. They are either gay, married, or have severe mental issues.)) My gem frnd keep saying the same line ever since I met her.
No way. I am true gemini woman. And I am sure my life or any of my friends hasn't been that way. Seems like a few peoples personal experience that is being generalized. I am sure if u hid that gemini and asked other non gemini women to read, some would agree too. It's more like a type of personality than a type of sun sign.
Signed Up: Dec 24, 2006 Comments: 0 · Posts: 88 · Topics: 9
"how many of you had a boy cut when you were young? and later started growing your hair? just curious... " When I was young up until Puberty I went to a barbershop to get my hair cut. I had to get my ears pierced when I was 8 because everyone thought I was a boy. After Puberty I grew my hair long and had it that way for years. "boys like long hair". And since I was boy crazy I had long hair. Now I switch back and forth. Not sure which I like the most. As long as I can have pig tails short or long is all that matters. Badass
Signed Up: Nov 09, 2007 Comments: 0 · Posts: 157 · Topics: 6
"After Puberty I grew my hair long"
lol ..does that mean i'm finally out of puberty ?? yeeeee ... lol (not making fun of you badass but of myself..i'm 22 ..haha ..don't remember last time my hair was this long -- past my shoulder now lol .. "As long as I can have pig tails short or long is all that matters." yeap --totaly agree =)
Signed Up: Jan 20, 2013 Comments: 3 · Posts: 57 · Topics: 4
Posted by thelibran When they are young -they think they are like guys -do what they want and whichever way they want -love is a stupid thing which makes no sense to them. -drive like crazy kids and do all sort of stuffs a macho man. -ditch every guy who likes her and think all are nuts -best of all - make everyone else feel that they are a bitch. -expect an LAPD officer to jump from a chopper and grab her hand and propose to her... When they cross 21-23 things change -now they want to have a man -started feeling that she is a women -unable to like anyone.. Noone seems interesting -when they have one, they play with them -When they loose them, they think they can play and get them back now she is 26+ -fcuk where are the good men??? they wonder -god i loved him and i was blind to make him go away.. -why am i left alone in this world -why do i cry and why do i hardly meet anyone interesting -Why no one likes me 30+ -marriage not meant for me -life sucks i prefer some drugs or drinks than men -prostitutes might be living in a better way than me... I am a global waste -men dont want me -I am a loser... angry with everyone -I cry every single night
As a young girl -Not really~ It's just that there are some guys who would treat you like a guy just because your being cool and easy not thinking and seeing the opposite sex as a stud or even a potential mate. I just see a regular human being. O_o - My mom told me to do whatever I want and she said I could walk on my head. O__O - True because at a very young age love is fleeting and there is still a long long way to go than growing up wanting to be someone's woman, wife or bride... -Sadly I can't drive. When I'm with my friend's in private xDD - I never ditched any guy or they gave up because my mind is somewhere else or I just don't notice...): Not a single boy in class ever approached meeeee ___
Signed Up: Jan 20, 2013 Comments: 3 · Posts: 57 · Topics: 4
Posted by class-act-aries ok so if that is how geminis are now i start to understand, so how can i show the gemini i still like her even though she shut me out? i had very good connection with her right of the start, we even snuggled and watched tv togethter and stuff but as soon as i showed that im interested in her it was over poff like that, i mena very next day. we still friends and i would try again in a heartbeat if i knew she wasnt going to play me like that again, like some of you say, i think she is still chasing the guy that she was with eventhough he was a dick and will pass me up or maybe she was interested in me cause i was a new guy in her circle and im little different than rest of the dudes? cocky but nice , real gentelman but with attidiute pretending to be a jerk but in a nice way so it makes you laugh, hmmmm
Maybe she hasn't shut you out just yet. Snuggling and all the cutesy stuff is nice but maybe acting like a gentleman and jerk at the same time seems like a Dr. Jekyll and Mr hyde personality. People can't easily change but you can't force feelings and love either. Don't cross out the woman yet or else you might just regret losing the gem in Gemini.
Signed Up: Jan 07, 2009 Comments: 10 · Posts: 1037 · Topics: 116
I agree with the 20's part but the rest is all freakin wrong lol I would be so depressed and unhappy that I would get help some kind of help some way!! No way is that other stuff true,at least not for the real gemini women.I have gemini in 3 other planets as well as my sun but I know life has to be worth living and I feel that if one guy isn't going to treat me with respect and loyalty then I can go back to "the four man plan" by author Cindy Lu,although I was doing this before Cindy's book ever came out lol oh' and Cindy Lu is a gemini as well
Signed Up: Jan 07, 2009 Comments: 10 · Posts: 1037 · Topics: 116
No disrespect to Cindy but I think my version of her book is better lol but I am not saying her plan is bad,she's smarter than all the other authors I know about dating and relationships.The "Four Man Plan" by Cindy Lu is easy to order online and it's not expensive but it should be.My ideas are like hers except I wouldn't be doing it to have a husband,I would be doing it to have more fun and excitement in my life and so I would always have a date and to prevent wasting time because if you only date one guy at a time and it doesn't work out you have to waste another 3 to 6 months ect.. on another guy that may or may not work out! I hate wasting time!! thats a great big pet peeve of mine and I also have no tolerance for others who waste my time!!! I am happy with my aries man,but if we didn't make it I would enjoy the freedom and use the four man plan until I was ready to be with one man from the 4 man plan but for now I am very happy,but you must understand that you cannot live your life thinking your relationship can't end one day,you just enjoy one day at a time.
Signed Up: Jan 07, 2009 Comments: 10 · Posts: 1037 · Topics: 116
oh classactaries,Gemini women may not understand what a man's motives are until many moons have gone by lol,she may be going through some very hard times and that is usually the case with if you see a sad or unhappy Gem!! Give her time and let her see the good traits in you because gemini women really like aries men once they get a chance to see all his positive and great traits!! use your playfulness and your humor and be a gentleman & thoughtful. Aries traits that I love is the mind and how it works and the sex appeal along with that great energy & kind heart!!
Signed Up: Nov 16, 2010 Comments: 0 · Posts: 2245 · Topics: 36
When they are young -they think they are like guys- Yes, I identified more with males -do what they want and whichever way they want- Publicly-No ( maintained good-girl persona); Privately-Yes -love is a stupid thing which makes no sense to them- Yes -drive like crazy kids and do all sort of stuffs a macho man- Yes -ditch every guy who likes her and think all are nuts- Yes -best of all - make everyone else feel that they are a bitch- No, unless they WERE bitches -expect an LAPD officer to jump from a chopper and grab her hand and propose to her...Maybe not a cop, but definitely an exciting action hero out saving the world When they cross 21-23 things change -now they want to have a man-Yes -started feeling that she is a women-Yes -unable to like anyone.. Noone seems interesting- Someone is always interesting. -when they have one, they play with them- Only if he lets her. -When they loose them, they think they can play and get them back- Usually can After this, you kind of lost me.
The men are no different..they cant leave the women that arent interested in them alone. This is why its important to be mysterious and unavailable when you want a Gemini.
One evening two diff friends of mine came together for a small gettogether. One was a sag girl and another was a gemini guy. Sag girl was dating another friend of mine, and gemini guy was in love with another girl who was out of town. we got booze, i star
This is something I have been pondering a little. My Virguy, is very much an action speaks louder than words fellow. Along with that he is also more of a (Implicit) not (explicit)communicator. He's mentioned this from the the get
seriously, you guys are soooo bad at dealing with shit. my housemate is a cap and he is the most judgemental, depressive, misery, grudging person i know. he has the shortest temper and holds grudges for DAYS, WEEKS on end. he is rude and status seeking, a
jealousy is a curse to me. i coulden't get anymore taurus, i have a taurus sun, moon and mercury but my rising is a libra. I get jealous only in relationships. i don't get materialistic jealousy, i wish i did only get that because the emotional jealousy i
What do you Cappies think about your sence of judgement? Do you find it adequate? Do you think you judge people fairly? What your statistics do say? How many times you've encountered that your judgement about a person were right? How many times wrong? Whi
What do you Cappies think about your sence of judgement? Do you find it adequate? Do you think you judge people fairly? What your statistics do say? How many times you've encountered that your judgement about a person were right? How many times wrong? Whi